Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Leeds Festival (classical music)" in English language version.
Sir George Martin – SIR GEORGE MARTIN, ex-Lord Mayor Leeds, is widely known for his public work. Yesterday, his election president Leeds Chamber of Commerce, he described himself an ordinary person who had been fortunate with his friends....
...MEMBERS of the public may not be admitted to rehearsals of Leeds Triennial Musical Festival In the Town Hall this year because of a decision by the Musicians' Union. Sir George Martin, chairman of the...(Also: 24 March 1953,"Leaving City Council means little easing off for Sir George Martin, with years of experience (10 years chairman) of Leeds Health Committee, chairman of Leeds Triennial Musical Festival, treasurer and vice-chairman the Yorkshire district...)
...a member the Executive Committee of the Leeds Musical Festival, and for the last three (Leeds Triennial Musical) Festivals, (1937, '47 and '50, he) was chairman of the Programme Committee...
Sir. — In Mr. Middleton's letter from the Northern Philharmonic Orchestra, he gives the figure of £60,000 as the annual running cost of a full-time permanent orchestra...
....Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Saturday Concerts, nor have I consulted my committee before writing it.— Yours, etc.. R. NOEL MIDDLETON. 12, Park Avenue Leeds...
THE KING PATRON. His Majesty the King (George V) has consented (to) become a patron of the Leeds Musical Festival, which will take place October next. (The King's daughter) Princess Mary, (and her fiancé) Viscount Lascelles .... are also on the list of patrons, which further includes...
...(Princess Mary) was concert-going in Leeds as recently as this week-end when (she) attended the concert. The Princess Royal is a patron of the Leeds Triennial Musical Festival. During the last series in October, 1947, she attended most...
...(Princess Mary) was concert-going in Leeds as recently as this week-end when (she) attended the concert. The Princess Royal is a patron of the Leeds Triennial Musical Festival. During the last series in October, 1947, she attended most...
Mr. Richard Noel Middleton, retired woollen manufacturer (William Lupton and Co.), Park Avenue, Roundhay, said (that on) 05.45 am, on May...
The Northern Philharmonic had to wait until 1937 to play at the famous Triennial Musical Festivals.
The last Leeds Musical Festival took place in 1985 but the Festival Chorus grew in stature ...
...the Countess plans to attend every night of the Leeds Triennial Musical Festival...
Kate's great-grandfather, Noel Middleton, was a solicitor, a founder of the Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra....