Mitchell A. Harris, Edward M. Reingold: Line drawing, leap years, and Euclid. ACM Computing Surveys 36, 1 (March 2004): 68–80, ISSN0360-0300 (Archived 16 December 2006 at (Error: unknown archive URL))
Vincent Boyer, Jean-Jacques Bourdin: Fast Lines: a Span by Span Method. Computer Graphics Forum 18, 3 (1999): 377–384 (Archived 23 April 2024 at (Error: unknown archive URL))
Robert F. Sproull: Using program transformations to derive line-drawing algorithms.ACM Transactions on Graphics 1, 4 (October 1982): 259–273, ISSN0730-0301
Chengfu Yao, Jon G. Rokne: An integral linear interpolation approach to the design of incremental line algorithms. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 102, 1 (February 1999): 3–19, ISSN0377-0427
Mitchell A. Harris, Edward M. Reingold: Line drawing, leap years, and Euclid. ACM Computing Surveys 36, 1 (March 2004): 68–80, ISSN0360-0300 (Archived 16 December 2006 at (Error: unknown archive URL))