Harline, Leigh; Neill Compton Wilson; Thomas J. Tyrell (director); Lawrence J. Rehag (illustrations); Bohemian Club. St. John of Bohemia, the sixty-fourth Grove play of the Bohemian Club as performed by its members in the Bohemian Grove, July 26, 1969.
Magee, David Bickersteth; George Shearing; Bohemian Club. The Bonny Cravat, the Sixty-fifth Play of the Bohemian Club Presented at the Grove, July 31, 1970.
Wood, Dale; John Brent Mills; Bohemian Club. Armada, the Sixty-ninth Grove Play of the Bohemian Club, Presented July 26, 1974.
Parker, Will A.; Carl J. Eberhard; Peter R. Arnott; Bohemian Club. Allegory: An Odyssey in Time and Space, the seventieth Grove Play of the Bohemian Club presented to its members in the Bohemian Grove July 25, 1975.
Pichel, Irving; Charles Hart; Andrew Hoyem; Jay M. Jacobus; Bohemian Club. Saint Francis of Assisi, 1982
Blauer, John M.; David A. Bowman; Rod McManigal; Thomas J Tyrrell; Bohemian Club. Pompeii, the Eighty-fourth Grove Play, presented July 28, 1989.
McCandless, E. R. "Mac" ; Kenneth B. Baggott; Jay M. Jacobus; Bohemian Club. The Leonardo Betrayal, the eighty-ninth Grove Play presented on Friday, July 29, 1994.
McManigal, Rod; Jack Rogers; Thomas J. Tyrrell; Bohemian Club. Marco Polo, The ninetieth Grove Play presented Friday, July 28, 1995.
Evans, Richard B.; Ervin, Howard Guy; Devine, Peter Merle; Stegmiller, Kenneth Lawrence. Casanova, The Bohemian Club, 2011. Volume 106 of Grove Play.