羽生結弦『第70回菊池寛賞』受賞「挑戦を続ける」姿勢に評価 [Yuzuru Hanyu awarded with the 70th Kikuchi Kan Prize for his attitude of "continuing to take on challenges"]. Oricon (in Japanese). Minato, Tokyo. October 11, 2022. Archived from the original on October 11, 2022.
平昌五輪日本代表が解団 小平、羽生、高木姉妹らメダリストに特別賞/五輪ニュース [Japan's national team at the Pyeongchang Olympics winning special award such as medalits Kodaira, Hanyu and Takagi sisters]. Daily Sports (in Japanese). Kobe. February 27, 2018. Archived from the original on February 27, 2018.
羽生、高木美帆ら表彰 スケート連盟祝賀会 [Hanyu, Miho Takagi and others honored at Skating Federation Celebration]. Daily Sports (in Japanese). Kobe. April 26, 2018. Archived from the original on October 24, 2020.
羽生結弦選手Yahoo!検索大賞 2018で「アスリート部門賞」&「スペシャル部門賞」をW受賞!2014年には大賞なども [Yuzuru Hanyu won the "Athlete Category Award" & "Special Category Award" at Yahoo! Search Awards 2018, including the Grand Prize in 2014!]. Edge Line Tokyo (in Japanese). Shinjuku, Tokyo. December 5, 2018. Archived from the original on December 5, 2018.
Public Relations Society of Japan (January 20, 2023). 2022年度日本PR大賞が決定 [2022 Japan PR Awards decided]. PR Wire (in Japanese). Minato, Tokyo: Kyodo News. Archived from the original on January 20, 2023.
羽生結弦『第70回菊池寛賞』受賞「挑戦を続ける」姿勢に評価 [Yuzuru Hanyu awarded with the 70th Kikuchi Kan Prize for his attitude of "continuing to take on challenges"]. Oricon (in Japanese). Minato, Tokyo. October 11, 2022. Archived from the original on October 11, 2022.
名誉県民・県民栄誉賞 [Honorary Prefectural Citizens and Prefectural Citizens' Honor Awards]. Miyagi Prefecture (in Japanese). Sendai. Archived from the original on October 11, 2015.
宮城県議会議長特別表彰 [Special Commendation by the chairman of the Miyagi Prefectural Assembly]. Miyagi Prefecture (in Japanese). Sendai. Archived from the original on January 26, 2016.
2022年度日本PR大賞が決定 [2022 Japan PR Awards decided] (PDF). Public Relations Society of Japan (in Japanese). Minato, Tokyo. 2022. Archived(PDF) from the original on January 20, 2023.
市政だより2014年4月号 [Municipal News, April 2014]. Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2014. Archived from the original on September 23, 2015.
羽生結弦選手に「賛辞の楯」の贈呈および特別表彰を行います [Yuzuru Hanyu presented with a "plaque of praise" and a special award]. Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. April 17, 2018. Archived from the original on April 23, 2018.
羽生結弦選手に「賛辞の楯」の贈呈および特別表彰を行いました [Presentation of a "Plaque of Praise" and special commendation to Yuzuru Hanyu]. Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. April 27, 2018. Archived from the original on April 28, 2018.
平成 22 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2010 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2010. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
平成 23 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2011 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2011. Archived(PDF) from the original on October 31, 2020.
平成 24 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2012 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2012. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
平成 25 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2013 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2013. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
羽生結弦選手に「仙台市議会議長特別表彰」を行います [Special Commendation from the chairman of the Sendai City Council to Yuzuru Hanyu] (PDF). Sendai City Assembly (in Japanese). Sendai. April 17, 2018. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
つながる金メダリストの系譜。荒川静香と羽生結弦が語る「五輪の記憶」 [Genealogy of connected gold medalists – Shizuka Arakawa and Yuzuru Hanyu talk about their memories of the Olympics]. Sportiva (in Japanese). Chiyoda, Tokyo: Shueisha. April 19, 2017. Archived from the original on May 19, 2017.
平昌五輪日本代表が解団 小平、羽生、高木姉妹らメダリストに特別賞/五輪ニュース [Japan's national team at the Pyeongchang Olympics winning special award such as medalits Kodaira, Hanyu and Takagi sisters]. Daily Sports (in Japanese). Kobe. February 27, 2018. Archived from the original on February 27, 2018.
羽生、高木美帆ら表彰 スケート連盟祝賀会 [Hanyu, Miho Takagi and others honored at Skating Federation Celebration]. Daily Sports (in Japanese). Kobe. April 26, 2018. Archived from the original on October 24, 2020.
Public Relations Society of Japan (January 20, 2023). 2022年度日本PR大賞が決定 [2022 Japan PR Awards decided]. PR Wire (in Japanese). Minato, Tokyo: Kyodo News. Archived from the original on January 20, 2023.
2022年度日本PR大賞が決定 [2022 Japan PR Awards decided] (PDF). Public Relations Society of Japan (in Japanese). Minato, Tokyo. 2022. Archived(PDF) from the original on January 20, 2023.
羽生結弦選手Yahoo!検索大賞 2018で「アスリート部門賞」&「スペシャル部門賞」をW受賞!2014年には大賞なども [Yuzuru Hanyu won the "Athlete Category Award" & "Special Category Award" at Yahoo! Search Awards 2018, including the Grand Prize in 2014!]. Edge Line Tokyo (in Japanese). Shinjuku, Tokyo. December 5, 2018. Archived from the original on December 5, 2018.
名誉県民・県民栄誉賞 [Honorary Prefectural Citizens and Prefectural Citizens' Honor Awards]. Miyagi Prefecture (in Japanese). Sendai. Archived from the original on October 11, 2015.
宮城県議会議長特別表彰 [Special Commendation by the chairman of the Miyagi Prefectural Assembly]. Miyagi Prefecture (in Japanese). Sendai. Archived from the original on January 26, 2016.
羽生結弦選手に「仙台市議会議長特別表彰」を行います [Special Commendation from the chairman of the Sendai City Council to Yuzuru Hanyu] (PDF). Sendai City Assembly (in Japanese). Sendai. April 17, 2018. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
市政だより2014年4月号 [Municipal News, April 2014]. Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2014. Archived from the original on September 23, 2015.
羽生結弦選手に「賛辞の楯」の贈呈および特別表彰を行います [Yuzuru Hanyu presented with a "plaque of praise" and a special award]. Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. April 17, 2018. Archived from the original on April 23, 2018.
羽生結弦選手に「賛辞の楯」の贈呈および特別表彰を行いました [Presentation of a "Plaque of Praise" and special commendation to Yuzuru Hanyu]. Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. April 27, 2018. Archived from the original on April 28, 2018.
平成 22 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2010 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2010. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
平成 23 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2011 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2011. Archived(PDF) from the original on October 31, 2020.
平成 24 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2012 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2012. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
平成 25 年仙台市スポーツ賞受賞者一覧 [List of recipients of the 2013 Sendai Sports Awards] (PDF). Sendai City (in Japanese). Sendai. 2013. Archived(PDF) from the original on May 23, 2021.
つながる金メダリストの系譜。荒川静香と羽生結弦が語る「五輪の記憶」 [Genealogy of connected gold medalists – Shizuka Arakawa and Yuzuru Hanyu talk about their memories of the Olympics]. Sportiva (in Japanese). Chiyoda, Tokyo: Shueisha. April 19, 2017. Archived from the original on May 19, 2017.