born Hedwig Hamburger, during the Nazi period on exile in Britain and America, Hedwig Landsberg, geb. Hamburger entry, [in:] Ärztinnen im Kaiserreich service, available here
the case of Antoni Fromholz, a Catholic priest of German origin. In 1848 he was even the member of the Posen National Committee, Michał Pawełczyk, Nekielscy księża drugiej połowy XIX w.: Antoni Fromholz i Marcin Manicki, [in:] Parafia Nekla service, available here
e.g. VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego, hosted in the building earlier serving as home to Wegenersche Höhere Mädchenschule, dates its history back to 1921 only, see the official school website available here
no 9 in the 2017 chart, see available here, no. 10 in the 2017 waszaedukacja service, available here
see Ekke Elise entry, [in:] Verhandlungen des Deutschen Reichstags service, available here