Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Luonan Subdistrict" in English language version.
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"1986年7月28日,将武昌区珞珈山街道沿八一路以南的27个居委会划归洪山区管辖,同年9月1日成立洪山区珞南街道,办事处驻武珞村居委会(借房办公)"(translation: On July 28, 1986, 27 communities of Wuchang District Luojiashan Subdistrict to the south of Bayi Road were transferred to Hongshan District. Luonan Subdistrict was created on September 1 with its headquarters in Wuluocun.)
"2009年12月,将从武昌区划入的风光苑社区全部和石牌岭社区部分区域调整由珞南街道管辖。"(translation: In December 2009, Fengguang Community and part of Shipailing Community were transferred from Wuchang to Luonan Subdistrict.)
"2010年11月,将五环、伏虎山、体院、尚文、卓刀泉、虎泉、马庄苑、金昌、高创9个社区划归卓刀泉街道管辖(2011年5月正式实施)"(translation: In November 2010, it was decided that nine Communities of Luonan Subdistrict (Wuhuan, Fushushan, Tiyuan, Shangwen, Zhuodaoquan, Huquan, Mazhuangyuan, Jinchang and Gaochuang) would form part of the new Zhuodaoquan Subdistrict, which was officially implemented in May 2011)