Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Luís de Ataíde, 3rd Count of Atouguia" in English language version.
Emperor Charles V himself would later declare that he was envious of those who had been armed as knights at the foot of Mount Sinai. And on the tomb of Dom Estevão da Gama it was engraved as an epitaph: 'He who armed knights on Mount Sinai'
[The Cunhas were titled] in Castille where they were created Counts of Valencia de Don Juan since 1397 ... from [the Cunhas] proceeded the Marquises of Vilhena, Dukes of Escalona, counts of Xiqueña...The Dukes of Ossuna, counts of Ureña... the Dukes of Najera, Counts of Requeña, the Marquises of Escalona and others.
O que vos dá mais fama inda no mundo, He vencerdes, Senhor, no Reino amigo, Tantas ingratidões, tão grande inveja