Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mahfiruz Hatun" in English language version.
Stanford Shaw, the author of an Ottoman history that has been widely used as a textbook and reference work, claims, on the basis of information from an eighteenth-century French novel,84 that the sultan was "[t]rained in Latin, Greek, and Italian by his Greek mother, as well as Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, and Persian."85
Hatice Mâhferūza, Mâhferūz, Mâh-e Fay'rūz(Mâh-ı Fey'rûz in Persian means Mâh=Moon and Fay'rūz=daytime shadow.)
Birinci Ahmet'in gözdelerinden ilki Evdoksia idi.
Stanford Shaw, the author of an Ottoman history that has been widely used as a textbook and reference work, claims, on the basis of information from an eighteenth-century French novel,84 that the sultan was "[t]rained in Latin, Greek, and Italian by his Greek mother, as well as Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, and Persian."85