Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Maki (political party)" in English language version.
האנטי-ציונות המוצהרת של המפלגה הקומוניסטית[The declared anti-Zionism of the Communist Party]
Following the Soviet change of heart regarding Israel in the early 1950s, Maki reverted to the anti-Zionist positions that had characterized it in Mandatory times. From that time onwards, it positioned itself as an anti-establishment party that opposed Israel's pro-Western alignment, rejected mass-immigration of Jews to Israel, and called for the establishment of a socialist regime and for self-determination for Israeli Arabs.
הספרות העיונית-מחקרית על אודות המפלגה הקומוניסטית בארץ אינה רבה. הסיבה לכך – היותה מפלגה קטנה, אופוזיציונית, נרדפת ומושמצת, אנטי-ציונית, שהתנגדה למנדט הבריטי ולמדיניות של ממשלות ישראל.[The theoretical-research literature about the Communist Party in Israel is not much. The reason for this - being a small, oppositional, persecuted and slandered, anti-Zionist party, which opposed the British mandate and the policies of the Israeli governments.]