Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Maralbexi County" in English language version.
Marabishi [sic] County
Pakistani businessman Mirza Imran Baig shows a picture with his Uighur wife, Malika Mamiti, outside the Pakistani embassy in Beijing. Mamiti, was sent to a political-indoctrination camp after returning to China's far west Xinjiang region in May 2017, Baig said. Scores of Pakistani men whose Muslim Uighur wives have disappeared into internment camps in China feel helpless, fighting a wall of silence as they struggle to reunite their families.
Maralbishi County
But they also argue that some officials' aggressive approach sparked resentment and violence, including an April attack by Uighurs on police in Maralbishi outside Kashgar that left 21 people dead. Beijing blamed "terrorists" who "regularly watched video clips advocating religious extremism."
The government has labeled the violence in Kashgar's Maralbexi county as a "terrorist attack", though the exiled World Uyghur Congress has said the shooting and killing of a young Uighur by "Chinese armed personnel" prompted the Uighurs to retaliate.
Mirza Imran Baig, 40, who trades between his home city of Lahore and Urumqui, the Xinjiang regional capital, said his wife was detained in a "re-education" camp in her native Bachu county for two months in May and June 2017 and had been unable to leave her hometown since her release.
In October 2018, a photo was posted online by the government of Kashgar (in Chinese, Kashi) prefecture's Maralbeshi (Bachu) county, which portrayed a Uyghur village head eating a piece of pork and calling on other Uyghurs to join him. The photo was taken down shortly after publishing.
RFA recently spoke with a village head in Maralbeshi who confirmed that the photo was real, and that local authorities are teaching people to eat pork as well.
统计用区划代码 名称 653130100000 巴楚镇 653130101000 色力布亚镇 653130102000 阿瓦提镇 653130103000 三岔口镇 653130200000 恰尔巴格乡 653130201000 多来提巴格乡 653130202000 阿纳库勒乡 653130203000 夏马勒乡 653130204000 阿克萨克玛热勒乡 653130205000 阿拉根乡 653130206000 琼库恰克乡 653130207000 英吾斯坦乡 653130508000 兵团四十八团
Maralbishi County
Thanks to the first universal health check in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Mtailipu Rosuli, 65, a Uygur man in Bachu (Maralbexi) County, had his first health examination of his life.
喀什地区辖县。位于喀什地区东部。面积21741.8平方千米,人口33.1万,有维吾尔、汉、 回等民族,其中维吾尔族占83.03%,汉族占16.4%,辖4镇8乡。