Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mascara" in English language version.
Kohl, kajal, al-Kahal, surma, tiro, tozali, and kwalli often contain high levels of lead. For example, lead, usually in the form of lead sulfide, sometimes accounts for more than half the weight of kohl products. Kohl products may also contain a variety of other materials, such as aluminum, antimony, carbon, iron, and zinc compounds, as well as camphor and menthol.
Kohl, kajal, al-Kahal, surma, tiro, tozali, and kwalli often contain high levels of lead. For example, lead, usually in the form of lead sulfide, sometimes accounts for more than half the weight of kohl products. Kohl products may also contain a variety of other materials, such as aluminum, antimony, carbon, iron, and zinc compounds, as well as camphor and menthol.