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"At Matsumae, since men on boats, traders, etc, come from all directions, and again in relation to the barbarians, who also dwell underground, in no wise can righteousness prevail and hold sway. Furthermore, as to the matter of shipping duties, assuredly, just as has been the case in earlier times, so should they be levied henceforth ... Bunroku 2 [1593], first month, fifth day. [Red Seal (ja)] To Kakizaki, Lord and Guardian of the Islands" 於松前、従諸方来船頭商人等、対夷人、同地下人、非分義不可申懸、並船役之事、自前々如有来可取之、自然此旨於相背族在之者、急度可言上、速可被加御誅罰者也 文禄二正月五日 朱印 蠣崎志摩守トノヘ