A. Thrush, 'Abbot, Maurice (1565–1642), of Coleman Street, London', in A. Thrush and J.P. Ferris (eds), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1604–1629 (Cambridge University Press, 2010), History of Parliament Online.
'The Life of Sir Morris Abbot, Lord-Mayor of London', in W. Oldys, The life of Dr. George Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, reprinted with some additions and corrections from the Biographia Britannica (J. Russell, Guildford 1777), pp. 156–58 (Umich/ecco).
"Porta [sic] Pietatis, or the Port or Harbour of Piety. Exprest in sundry Triumphes, Pageants, and Showes at the Institution of the Right Honourable Sir Maurice Abbot, knight, into the Mayoralty of the famous and fame renowned city London. Written by Thomas Heywood", London, 1638. Full text at Umich/eebo (open).