allegedly Ferrer contributed also to L’Action Francaise and La Croix, see ABC 13.06.65, available here; however, a digital archive of both papers does not reveal any items signed by Ferrer, compare the Gallica service, available here
Fe, un romántico homenaje juvenil del Pintor de Batallas al Tradicionalismo, [in:] Ahora Información service 13.02.17, available here
and during his academic years was active in Ateneo Catalan de Clase Obrera, La Corona 09.10.63, available here; he was later co-founder of Ateneo in Mataró and became its treasurer, Francesc Enrich i Regás, Josep García i Oliver, destacat promotor de cultura a Mataró, [in:] Fulls de Museu Arxiu de Santa Maria 16 (1983), p. 28
as a student Ferrer Arman signed a public letter hailing secular education and aimed against schools run by religious orders, La Iberia 14.04.64, available here
El Correo Español 16.01.15, available here, Rafael Gambra, Melchor Ferrer y la "Historia del tardicionalismo [sic!] español", Sevilla 1979, p. 3 [start page assumed as page 1, no original pagination]
anonymous denunciation was attributed to Esteban Roldán Oliart. Roldán defended himself in a separate piece, compare Esteban Roldan, Francia y los católicos españoles, Barcelona 1915, pp. 101–103, available here. Ferrer himself publicly remained silent on his (former?) friend; he noted merely that in 1920 Roldan moved to America, see his Historia del tradicionalismo español vol. XXIX, Seville 1960, p. 76
allegedly Ferrer contributed also to L’Action Francaise and La Croix, see ABC 13.06.65, available here; however, a digital archive of both papers does not reveal any items signed by Ferrer, compare the Gallica service, available here
However, others used the terms extensively in Carlist doctrine, see Jaime del Burgo Torres, Ideario Comunión Tradicionalista Carlista, (1937), available here
Ferrer's history is still featured as sort of an official Carlist history, compare, the official site of Comunión Tradicionalista, available here
Josep Miralles Climent, Los heterodoxos de la causa, Madrid 2001, ISBN9788483742433, pp. 21, 132. Similar claim in Xavier Ferrer Bonet entry, [in:] El Corte Inglés service, available here
like El Correo Catalán (Barcelona), El Pensamiento Navarro (Pamplona) and Gil Blas (Santander), contributing also to minor titles like Diario de Villanueva i Geltrú, compare e.g. here
Los Ferrer de Córdoba, [in:] Historia y Genealogía Sudamericana blog 15.12.14, available here
José M. Mundet Gifre, El carlismo y su historia, [in:] La Vanguardia 03.01.80, available here
in May, see El Correo Español 02.05.19, available here, or in April, see La Correspondencia de España 12.04.19, available here
La Correspondencia de España 25.05.19, available here
La Correspondencia de España 12.12.19, available here
when featured in Carlist press in 1927, Ferrer was listed simply as "ex-director of El Correo Español" with no currently held function named, compare El Eco de Gerona 24.12.27, available here
Melchor Ferrer, Títulos Nobiliarios Carlistas, [in:] Tradición 28 (1934), pp. 89–91, available here
Melchor Ferrer, La dirección política de la Comunión Tradicionalista desde 1876, [in:] Tradición 37 (1934), pp. 296–302, available here
Cirici considered Ferrer "a man with great political intuition", Maximiliano García Venero, Otro turno sore [sic!] el enemigo, [in:] Hoja oficial de la provincia de Barcelona, 29.12.41, available here
Melchor Ferrer, La inquietud Europea ante la Bancarota del Liberalismo, part I, [in:] Tradición 15.03.33, pp. 158–160, available here
Melchor Ferrer, La inquietud Europea ante la Bancarota del Liberalismo, part II, [in:] Tradición 01.04.33, pp. 179–182, available here
Mercedes Vázquez de Prada, Auge y declive del tradicionalismo carlista (1957–1967), Madrid 2016, ISBN9788416558407, p. 41, Jacek Bartyzel, Melchor Ferrer, [in:] Myśl Konserwatywna service 04.06.15, available here
Ferrer was also planning to publish encyclopaedia of Carlism and the volume of material gathered is described as enormous, Canal 2000, p. 408. According to some, Diccionario histórico del carlismo by Josep Carles Clemente was a work which "ha realizado el proyecto que en su día inició Melchor Ferrer", see opinion of Manuel Martorell Perez at Pamiela publishing house website, available here. He left also a few manuscripts: Musa carlista: El tema carlista en la poesia, El pensamiento político del Conde de Montemolín, Un pensador olvidado: Fray Magin Ferrer and Los bonos del Tesoro y las emisiones carlistas de deuda, Gambra 1979, p. 4
Documentación fotográfica, [in:] Fulls de Museu Arxiu de Santa Maria 100 (2011), p. 46, available here
it might be interesting to note that back in 1935 Ferrer supported co-ordination of Carlist print activities, Francisco Javier Capistegui, Paradójicos reaccionarios: la modernidad contra la República de la Comunión Tradicionalista, [in :] Argonauta Español 9 (2012), available here
El tatarabuelo carlista de Augusto Ferrer Delmau, [in:] Somatemps service 24.05.17, available here