Astour reflects his adoption of this pen name in pre-war Poland, which he subsequently made his legal name after emigrating to the United States, (Weingartner 2015, p. 5) Weingartner, James J. (May 21, 2015). "Michael C. Astour: A Biographical Essay". SIUE Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. 2.
With regard to the last, the establishment of an initial population of 75,000 Jews on 7 million acres in the sparsely populated Kimberley region of northwestern Australia was envisioned (Weingartner 2015, p. 12). Weingartner, James J. (May 21, 2015). "Michael C. Astour: A Biographical Essay". SIUE Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. 2.
"Michael's antipathy—'hatred' might not be too strong a term—for Zionism and for the modern state of Israel, which realized the Zionist dream in 1948, remained strong until the end of his life...Unlike Zionists, who insisted on the necessity of a sovereign state in Eretz Israel, territorialists, recognizing the difficulty that would arise from appropriating land already populated by Arabs, worked towards securing a Yiddish-speaking, agrarian socialist, but not politically independent area of settlement for Eastern European Jews in some thinly populated part of the world, where Jews would co-exist with non-Jews willing to accept them." (Weingartner 2015, p. 8) Weingartner, James J. (May 21, 2015). "Michael C. Astour: A Biographical Essay". SIUE Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. 2.
"Was Ben-Gurion also right when he wrote to the Zionist executive on December 17, 1938, more than a month after the Crystal Night, that 'millions of Jews face annihilation,' but that their rescue 'endangers Zionism,' because 'if Jews will have to choose between the refugees, saving Jews from concentration camps, and assisting a national museum in Palestine, mercy will have the upper hand and the whole energy of the people will be channeled into saving Jews…; hence one must oppose such action'?." (Weingartner 2015, p. 57) Weingartner, James J. (May 21, 2015). "Michael C. Astour: A Biographical Essay". SIUE Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. 2.
"Only now the Palestinian[s] and Lebanese are in the role of the Jews…and the Israelis–in the words of a Hebrew University in Jerusalem professor—are the 'Judeo-Nazis.' But at least the German Nazis used their own weapons, designed, produced, and paid for by themselves, while Begin's army uses American planes, cluster bombs and other weapons." (Weingartner 2015, p. 62) Weingartner, James J. (May 21, 2015). "Michael C. Astour: A Biographical Essay". SIUE Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. 2.