Robertson 1979, p. 15 Robertson, Georgia Day; "The Harvest of Hate" / Poston War Relocation Center (1979) [July 26, 1979 and August 21, 1979]. "Japanese American World War II Evacuation Oral History Project". California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program, Japanese American Project (Interview). Interviewed by Arthur A. Hansen. Costa Mesa, California: O.H. 1753b. p. 457. Retrieved June 3, 2012.
Robertson 1979, p. 14 Robertson, Georgia Day; "The Harvest of Hate" / Poston War Relocation Center (1979) [July 26, 1979 and August 21, 1979]. "Japanese American World War II Evacuation Oral History Project". California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program, Japanese American Project (Interview). Interviewed by Arthur A. Hansen. Costa Mesa, California: O.H. 1753b. p. 457. Retrieved June 3, 2012.