Anuario Riera 1903, p. 859, available here. None of the sources consulted tackles the inconsistency which stems from his presumed 1900 death and being listed as a "propietario" in 1903
El Correo Catalan has not been digitalized so far and is unavailable for online consultation; for its pieces reported in other press titles see e.g. El Liberal 29.06.09, available here
Junyent maintained a very loyalist posture; in 1908 prior to organizing another meeting he telegraphed the ministry of interior seeking permission and assured that the rally would be an orderly one, El Siglo Futuro 21.04.08, available here
Colin M. Winston, Workers and the Right in Spain, 1900-1936, Princeton 2014, ISBN9781400858095, p. 86, see also Eduardo González Calleja, Paramilitarització i violencia política a l'Espanya del primer terc de segle: el requeté tradicionalista (1900-1936), [in:] Reviste de Girona 147 (1991), p. 410. After the 1911 San Feliu melee Junyent and Iglesias were accused in the Cortes of instigating violence, La Mañana 01.06.11, available here
La Mañana 29.05.11, available here; in 1913 Junyent headed the Carlist representatives who on the French border welcomed the corpse of Carlist general Tristany, transported for burial from France to Spain, La Correspondencia de España 27.04.13, available here
e.g. in 1909 he spoke in Madrid, El Correo Español 08.02.09, available here
Indispensable al abogado 1917, p. 274, available here; it is not clear at what point Junyent ceased to practice. It is known that in 1908 he was librarian at Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Toran 2013
El Correo Español 26.02.20, available here. Junyent suffered from street violence also in 1925, this time with no political background involved; he tried to stop a pickpocket and got injured, La Epoca 03.01.25, available here
after the fall of the monarchy in 1931 Junyent was confirmed by Don Jaime as the regional jefe, Vallverdú i Martí 2008, p. 70; in a letter Don Jaime sent to Junyent in October 1931 he was reportedly optimistic about the future of Spain, La Epoca 02.10.31, available here. Soon Junyent travelled to Paris to attend the funeral ceremonies, El Cruzado Español 09.10.31, available here
in November 1931 Junyent received a cordial letter from the new claimant, El Cruzado Español 13.11.31, available here
among 26 Carlist leaders of the 1930s there were only 7 who have always been loyal to the claimants, Manuel Martorell Pérez, Nuevas aportaciones históricas sobre la evolución ideológica del carlismo, [in:] Gerónimo de Uztariz 16 (2000), p. 104. Back in 1931 Junyent himself was rather enthusiastic about reunification of Traditionalism, El Siglo Futuro 28.11.31, available here
Cèlia Cañelles Julià, Rosa Toran, Els governs de la ciutat de Barcelona (1875-1930): Eleccions, partist i regidors, Barcelona 2013, page unavailable, see
Cèlia Cañelles Julià, Rosa Toran, Els governs de la ciutat de Barcelona (1875-1930): Eleccions, partits i regidors, Barcelona 2013, page unavailable, see
José María Zavala, Los horrores de la Guerra Civil: Testimonios y vivencias de los dos bandos, Madrid 2011, ISBN9788499890821, page unavailable, see here
all accounts agree that the FAI militiamen were visibly disappointed to see that Junyent was already dead, but the versions differ in details. One account claims that having seen the corpse the militiamen turned back and left in silence, Alcalá 2007, p. 257. According to another account one of the militiamen asked the other "why don't we give him a coup de grâce?" but eventually refrained from "killing the dead", Zavala 2011, page unavailable, see here. One more version is that one of the militiamen uttered "bollocks, I told you we should have come yesterday", Paul Preston, Comrades, London 2012, ISBN9780007378869, page unavailable, see here, and another one that they blasphemed, El Día de Palencia 01.04.37, available here
J.R.G., Tres periodistes anoiencs dels segles XIX i XX, [in:] Diari d’Igualada 29.01.94, p. 25, available hereArchived 2018-12-09 at the Wayback Machine
Los Padres de la Constitución de 1978, [in:] El País 24.07.12, available here
Salvador Junyent i Bovés entry, [in:] Geneanet service, available here
Prudéncia Rovira Oller entry, [in:] Geneanet service, available here
the first child of Miguel and Joaquína was born 1898, see Miquel Junyent Rovira entry, [in:] Geneanet service, available here
Joaquima Quintana Padró entry, [in:] Geneanet service, available here, see also La Vanguardia 05.03.12, available here
see Montserrat Junyent Quintana entry, [in:] Geneanet service, available here
Junyent entry, [in:] HeraldryInstitute service, available here
Prudencia Junyent Rovira (1874-1960), see La Vanguardia 09.10.60, available here
Joaquima Quintana Padró entry, [in:] Geneanet service, available here, see also La Vanguardia 05.03.12, available here
her father was Domingo Quintana Dalara (1839-1924); nothing closer is known of him, La Vanguardia 05.04.24, available here
all accounts agree that the FAI militiamen were visibly disappointed to see that Junyent was already dead, but the versions differ in details. One account claims that having seen the corpse the militiamen turned back and left in silence, Alcalá 2007, p. 257. According to another account one of the militiamen asked the other "why don't we give him a coup de grâce?" but eventually refrained from "killing the dead", Zavala 2011, page unavailable, see here. One more version is that one of the militiamen uttered "bollocks, I told you we should have come yesterday", Paul Preston, Comrades, London 2012, ISBN9780007378869, page unavailable, see here, and another one that they blasphemed, El Día de Palencia 01.04.37, available here
compare Casa Rovira entry, [in:] PoblesDeCatalunya service, available here
Pérez i Ventayol 2015, p. 217, David Martínez Fiol, La Gran Guerra i el catalanisme, [in:] service, available here[permanent dead link]
Molas 2009, p. 13, see also the official Senate service, available here
Junyent Rovira, Miguel entry, [in:] Senate service, available here
J.R.G., Tres periodistes anoiencs dels segles XIX i XX, [in:] Diari d’Igualada 29.01.94, p. 25, available hereArchived 2018-12-09 at the Wayback Machine
as a Carlist Junyent Quintana ran in the 1932 local elections; he complied with the 1937 Unification Decree and afterwards remained active in FET, Robert Vallverdú i Martí, La metamorfosi del carlisme català: del "Déu, Pàtria i Rei" a l'Assamblea de Catalunya (1936-1975), Barcelona 2014, ISBN9788498837261, pp. 116, 121. In the 1940s he was active in the Carloctavista faction of Carlism, Francisco Manuel de las Heras y Borrero, Un pretendiente desconocido. Carlos de Habsburgo. El otro candidato de Franco, Madrid 2004, ISBN8497725565, p. 76. See Junyent Quintanta kissing hand of his king on NoDo newsreel, NO-DO #136A footage (09:47 to 09.54), available here