Miloš Obilić (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Miloš Obilić" in English language version.

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1,922nd place
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5,747th place
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  • Hoare, M.A. (2024). Serbia: A Modern History. Oxford University Press. p. 46. ISBN 9780197790441.
  • Schwartz, Stefan (2000). Kosovo: Background to a War. Anthem Press. p. 38. ISBN 978-1898855569. The tale told to us by Berisha corresponds to an Albanian - language Kosovo ballad recorded by the folklorist G. Elezović in the 1920s and later commented upon anew by Lord . Indeed, Lord treats the tale of Murat and Milos Kobilić as a mainly Albanian folk expression, tracing its major elements to Albanian oral traditions and noting their absence from the canon elaborated by the famous Serb linguist Vuk Stefanović Karadžić. Lord argues that two traditions, Slav and Albanian, developed independently but then borrowed from each other, meeting in the Sandžak region. Cultural influences went in both directions with the story of the old woman and her advice to the Turks being considered by Lord as essentially Albanian but appearing as far north as eastern Croatia. Lord argued persuasively that this folk image emerged from ancient Albanian lore associated with the land and the origins of rivers.
  • Di Lellio 2013, p. 155:Kopiliq is believed to hail from a village by the same name in Drenica, a central and rural area of Kosovo, famous for its rebelliousness. He plays the role, together with historical characters from the same region, of establishing an uninterrupted genealogy of heroes through history. Di Lellio, Anna (2013). "The field of the blackbirds and the battle for Europe". In Langenbacher, Eric; Niven, Bill; Wittlinger, Ruth (eds.). Dynamics of Memory and Identity in Contemporary Europe. Berghahn Books. pp. 149–165. ISBN 978-0-85745-577-2.
  • Hoare, M.A. (2024). Serbia: A Modern History. Oxford University Press. p. 46. ISBN 9780197790441.
  • Miklosich, Franz (1860). Die Bildung der slavischen Personennamen (in German). Vienna: Aus der kaiserlich-königlichen Hoff- und Staatdruckerei. pp. 76–77.
  • Popović 1988, p. 193. Popović, Tanya (1988). Prince Marko: The Hero of South Slavic Epics. Syracuse University Press. ISBN 978-0-81562-444-8.
  • Rade Mihaljčić (2001). Sabrana dela: I – VI. Kraj srpskog carstva. Srpska školska knj. p. 44. ISBN 9788683565023. Retrieved 10 September 2013. Динић је у дубровачком архиву пронашао документ који нас приближава правом презимену и који сведочи о раној слави косовског јунака. Milosh Stanishich Cobilich ...
  • Popović 1988, p. 26. Popović, Tanya (1988). Prince Marko: The Hero of South Slavic Epics. Syracuse University Press. ISBN 978-0-81562-444-8.
  • Katschnig-Fasch, Elisabeth (2005). Gender and Nation in South Eastern Europe. Münster, Germany: LIT Verlag Münster. p. 252. ISBN 9783825888022.
  • Jireček 1967, p. 120:

    In Ragusa gab es eine Familie Kobilić (einer war 1390 Visconte von Breno), in Trebinje im 14.-15. Jahrh. eine Adelsfamilie Kobiljačić. Erst im 18. Jahrh. fand man den Namen eines "Stutenschnes" unanständig; der serb. Historiker Julinac (1763) änderte ihn zu Obilić, der seitdem in den Büchern zu lesen ist, von obilan reichlich, obilje Fülle, Überfluss.
    In Ragusa, there was a family Kobilić (one was Viscount in Breno, 1390), in the 14th and 15th centuries there was a noble family "Kobiljačić" in Trebinje. In the 18th century, they found the name of a "mare's son" indecent; the Serb historian Julinac (1763) changed it to Obilić, who has since appeared in the books, it comes from obilan ("plenty of"), obilje ("wealth", "abundance".)

    Jireček, Konstantin Josef (1967). Geschichte der Serben (in German). Vol. 2.
  • Branko Vodnik (1908). Izabrane narodne pjesme. Tisak Kralj. Zemaljske tiskare. pp. 117–.
  • Историјски гласник: орган Друштва историчара СР Србије. Друштво. 1994. p. 9. Retrieved 12 September 2013. најстарији помен, настао свега 12 дана после битке,
  • Colin Heywood; Colin Imber (1994). Studies in Ottoman History in Honor of Professor V.L. Ménage. İsis Press. p. 270. ISBN 978-975-428-063-0. Retrieved 12 September 2013. For present purposes, the key importance of the July 23 senate deliberation record is its indication that one of Murad's sons died in...
  • Seka Brkljača; Institut za istoriju Sarajevo (1996). Bosna i svijet. Institut za istoriju. p. 66. Retrieved 12 September 2013. O porazu Osmanlija pisao je 1. avgusta Trogiru, a oko dva mjeseca kasnije Firenci
  • Mock, Steven (2011). Symbols of Defeat in the Construction of National Identity. Cambridge University Press. p. 173. ISBN 9781139503525.
  • Sima M. Ćirković (1990). Kosovska bitka u istoriografiji: Redakcioni odbor Sima Ćirković (urednik izdanja) [... et al.]. Zmaj. p. 38. Retrieved 11 September 2013. Код Мињанелиjа, кнез је претходно заробл>ен и принуЬен да Мурату положи заклетву верности! и тада је један од њих, кажу да је то био Лазар, зарио Мурату мач у прса
  • İnalcık 2000, p. 25. İnalcık, Halil (2000). Kosovo: six siècles de mémoires croisées. Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales. ISBN 978-2-85831-107-1.
  • Pavle Ivić (1996). Istorija srpske kulture. Dečje novine. p. 160. ISBN 9788636707920. Бенедикт Курипечић. пореклом Словенаи, који између 1530. и 1531. путује као тумач аустријског посланства, у свом Путопису препричава део косовске легенде, спомиње епско певање о Милошу Обилићу у крајевима удаљеним од места догађаја, у Босни и Хрватској, и запажа настајање нових песама.
  • Serb World: 1979–1983. Neven Publishing Corporation. 1979. p. 4. Richard Knolles, writing in 1603, refers to the 'country songs' of the Serbs which tell of the alleged duplicity of the ...In 1603, the English historian Richard Knolles called lim 'Cobelitz'
  • Di Lellio 2013, p. 155:Kopiliq’s fantastic story—here a synopsis based on the longest variant —is the geste of a Christian, Albanian warrior who decided to fight to his death, against the better judgment of cautious and ready-to-compromise unnamed leaders. No Prince Lazar partakes in this story, with the exception of a mention in one variant. Kopiliq killed the Sultan, refusing to bow to his request for submission. He was subsequently decapitated by Turkish soldiers after being betrayed by an old Slav woman who revealed the secret place where he was hiding the key to his armor: his whiskers. Carrying his head under his arm, Kopiliq walked away, but died when two women saw him and caused him to drop his head. Di Lellio, Anna (2013). "The field of the blackbirds and the battle for Europe". In Langenbacher, Eric; Niven, Bill; Wittlinger, Ruth (eds.). Dynamics of Memory and Identity in Contemporary Europe. Berghahn Books. pp. 149–165. ISBN 978-0-85745-577-2.
  • Stevanovic 2004, pp. 174 Stevanovic, Vidosav (1 October 2004), Milosevic: The People's Tyrant, I.B.Tauris, ISBN 9781860648427
  • Nebojša Popov (January 2000). The Road to War in Serbia: Trauma and Catharsis. Central European University Press. pp. 192–. ISBN 978-963-9116-56-6.
  • Anamaria Dutceac Segesten (16 September 2011). Myth, Identity, and Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of Romanian and Serbian Textbooks. Lexington Books. pp. 208–. ISBN 978-0-7391-4865-5.
  • Jovičić et al. 1988, p. 125 Jovičić, V.; Petrović, M.; Jovičić, O. (1988). Kosovo u svesti i nadahnuću Srpskoga naroda. Nova knjiga. pp. 125–126.
  • Šijaković 1989, p. 6. Šijaković, Miodrag B. (1989). Gvero, Mladen; Nikolić, Nataša (eds.). Miloš Obilić: epski junak i legenda. Belgrade: Zajednica književnih klubova Srbije. pp. 6, 194.
  • Simonović 1992, pp. 214–215

    Ашик паша Заде помшье име Билиш Кобила. За Уруца убица је био један [...] И К. Михаиловип ^е за име сазнао посредством предан>а и то, веро- ватно, преко Турака. Дакле, извори наводе имена: Билиш Кобила, Милош Кобила, Милош Кобиловип, Димигрще Кобиловий. Сагласно је само презиме Кобила ...

    Simonović, Dragoljub (1992). Nikola Vratković – kosovski car i bog: rezultati istraživanja kosovskih pesama i kosovske legende, priroda i poreklo knjiga carostavnih, nikolijanstvo. Prosveta. pp. 133, 214–215. ISBN 9788674550809.
  • Centar za mitološki studije Srbije 2006, p. 154 Centar za mitološki studije Srbije (2006). Mitološki zbornik. Vol. 1–6. Belgrade: Centar za mitološki studije Srbije. pp. 54, 58, 123, 152, 313.
  • Škrivanić 1956, p. 52 Škrivanić, Gavro A. (1956). Kosovska bitka, 15 juna 1389. Podgorica: Istoriski institut NR Crne Gore. p. 52.
  • Šijaković 1989, p. 194. Šijaković, Miodrag B. (1989). Gvero, Mladen; Nikolić, Nataša (eds.). Miloš Obilić: epski junak i legenda. Belgrade: Zajednica književnih klubova Srbije. pp. 6, 194.
  • Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1975, p. 218

    Разлика међу рукописима Г и УБ постоји, као што смо видели, и у употреби форме Обилић и Кобилић. У рукопису УБ (1715–1725) сачувала се форма Кобилић а у рукописима ММ (1714–1715) и Г (1727) форма Обилић, што значи да се млађа форма Обилић јавља не иоловином XVIII века, као што је гврдио Драгутин Костић, већ и раније, почетком XVIII а можда и крајем XVII века.

    Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Univerzitet u Beogradu (1975). Godišnjak. Vol. 17. Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu. pp. 215–218.
  • Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1975, p. 217

    ... Обилић и Кобилић. Рукопис Стевана Гезовића (СГ)*1, писан у XVIII веку, има форму Обилић. Преглед варијаната рукописне Приче о боју косовском показује да сле- дећи рукописи имају презиме Милошево: Кобилић: УБ, В, МЈ. Обилић: ММ, Г, К, НБ 433, СУД, ПН, ГК, ДК, Б, ПМ, СГ, односно Обилич: ИЈ, АМ, ТН Хобилић: ГК, ДК, МС, Р Кобилић и Обилић: САН 134, НБ 425, С, П, ЛВ Анализа ...

    Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Univerzitet u Beogradu (1975). Godišnjak. Vol. 17. Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu. pp. 215–218.
  • Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1975, p. 215 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Univerzitet u Beogradu (1975). Godišnjak. Vol. 17. Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu. pp. 215–218.
  • Jireček 1967, p. 120. Jireček, Konstantin Josef (1967). Geschichte der Serben (in German). Vol. 2.
  • Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1975, pp. 215–218 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Univerzitet u Beogradu (1975). Godišnjak. Vol. 17. Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu. pp. 215–218.

  • "Battle of Kosovo | Summary". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 16 June 2021.

  • Emmert 1991 Emmert, Thomas A. (1991), Wayne S. Vucinich and Thomas A. Emmert (ed.), "The Battle of Kosovo: Early Reports of Victory and Defeat", Kosovo: Legacy of a Medieval Battle, Minnesota Mediterranean and East European Monographs 1, archived from the original on 5 June 2011 Reproduced online at De Re Militari. The Society for Medieval Military History.
  • Emmert 1991 "It is important to note that neither this chronicle nor any of the other early Serbian accounts of the battle attributes Murad's death to the hand of an assassin (...) The theme of assassination, which appeared in the contemporary accounts of the battle from Florence and Siena and was also an important theme in all of the fifteenth century Turkish sources for the battle, would eventually become a central element in the Serbian epic. (...) It is surprising that the assassination of Murad is not recorded in any of the Serbian cult sources for the battle. Why the Serbian authors would fail to speak of the assassin if they knew of him is unclear, (...). Whatever the reason for this silence, it appears from later sources that the story of Murad's assassination was clearly known in Lazar's principality. " Emmert, Thomas A. (1991), Wayne S. Vucinich and Thomas A. Emmert (ed.), "The Battle of Kosovo: Early Reports of Victory and Defeat", Kosovo: Legacy of a Medieval Battle, Minnesota Mediterranean and East European Monographs 1, archived from the original on 5 June 2011 Reproduced online at De Re Militari. The Society for Medieval Military History.