Scholia ad Pindar, Pythian Odes4.122 - most probably an error and it should be read as “. . Argonauts, most of them from Minyas, son of Poseidon, and Tritogeneia, daughter of Aeolus . .” with Minyas and Tritogeneia being the ancestors of the majority of the heroes instead of Minyas being a son of Poseidon and Tritogeneia. The latter was usually listed as his spouse rather than his mother. Compare with Tzetzes ad Lycophron, 875
Scholia ad Pindar, Pythian Odes4.122 - most probably an error and it should be read as “. . Argonauts, most of them from Minyas, son of Poseidon, and Tritogeneia, daughter of Aeolus . .” with Minyas and Tritogeneia being the ancestors of the majority of the heroes instead of Minyas being a son of Poseidon and Tritogeneia. The latter was usually listed as his spouse rather than his mother. Compare with Tzetzes ad Lycophron, 875
Scholia ad Pindar, Pythian Odes4.122; Tzetzes ad Lycophron, 875