Choi, Syun-fun 蔡璿驩 (26 April 2021). "居韓港YouTuber疫勢攻電商 自創品牌美食 一季收入450萬" [Hong Kong YouTuber living in South Korea is specialising in e-commerce during the pandemic. She self-created a brand of gourmet and had quarterly revenue of 4.5 million]. Hong Kong Economic Journal (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
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"港正妹在九份「裝韓妞」買紅芭樂汁 店員反應讓她滿臉微笑" [Hong Kong beautiful girl bought red guava juice in Jiufen "pretending to be a Korean girl", and the clerk's reaction made her smile]. ETtoday [zh] (in Chinese). 22 May 2017. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
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明洞Mandu (3 September 2022). "人氣YouTuber揭行內秘聞 50K廣告費要XX萬訂閱?一類人最好簽公司" [The popular YouTuber reveals the secrets of the industry. 50K advertising fee requires XX million subscribers? For a type of person, it is best to sign with a company] (in Chinese). HK01. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Choi, Syun-fun 蔡璿驩 (26 April 2021). "居韓港YouTuber疫勢攻電商 自創品牌美食 一季收入450萬" [Hong Kong YouTuber living in South Korea is specialising in e-commerce during the pandemic. She self-created a brand of gourmet and had quarterly revenue of 4.5 million]. Hong Kong Economic Journal (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Ng, Ka-man 伍嘉文 (6 January 2022). "禁堂食外賣必備蔥油 100元一罐韓國人爭相搶購" [Scallion oil is a must for dine-in and takeaway. Sold at HK$100 a can, South Koreans scrambling to buy]. Metro Pop [zh] (in Chinese). Metro International. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Mira (26 September 2016). "感謝10萬訂閱! 有一件大家都會好奇的事 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!|Mira" [Thanks for 100,000 subscribers! There is one thing everyone will be curious about 100,000 subscribers!!|Mira] (in Chinese). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Kassidy (22 September 2018). "50萬訂閱者!90後韓國 YouTuber |拍片月袋過萬美金" [500,000 subscribers! South Korean-based YouTuber born in the 90s|The monthly income for filming videos exceeds 10,000 US dollars]. GOtrip (in Chinese). New Media Group [zh]. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Mira (31 October 2022). "訂婚Q&A|家人對於我們結婚的反應? 未婚夫是哪國人? 在哪登記結婚? 打算移居加拿大嗎? 🐝 Mira 咪拉" [Engagement Q&A|My family's reaction to our marriage? Where is my fiancé from? Where will the marriage be registered? Am I planning to immigrate to Canada? 🐝 Mira] (in Chinese). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Ng, Ka-man 伍嘉文 (6 January 2022). "禁堂食外賣必備蔥油 100元一罐韓國人爭相搶購" [Scallion oil is a must for dine-in and takeaway. Sold at HK$100 a can, South Koreans scrambling to buy]. Metro Pop [zh] (in Chinese). Metro International. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
"港正妹在九份「裝韓妞」買紅芭樂汁 店員反應讓她滿臉微笑" [Hong Kong beautiful girl bought red guava juice in Jiufen "pretending to be a Korean girl", and the clerk's reaction made her smile]. ETtoday [zh] (in Chinese). 22 May 2017. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Zoe (20 December 2021). RF (ed.). "香港YouTuber勇闖南韓貧民窟 與富人區江南相隔一條馬路 連當地人都未必知道" [Hong Kong YouTuber bravely ventured into the slums of South Korea. It is a road away from the rich area of Gangnam. Even the locals may not know it]. GOtrip (in Chinese). New Media Group [zh]. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
"【從數據認識經濟】香港前7大Youtuber單月廣告收入有多少?" [[Understanding the economy from data] How much is the monthly advertising revenue of the top 7 Hong Kong YouTubers?]. Business Digest (in Chinese). 6 January 2022. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
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"YouTuber Mira韓國開《香港食堂》兩個月賺10萬即回本 網民力讚將香港美食發揚光大|移民|首爾|台灣|香港美食|BF生意經|Mira 咪拉" [YouTuber Mira opened "Hong Kong Fusion" in South Korea and earned HK$100,000 in two months, and netizens praised the development and promotion of Hong Kong food|Immigration|Seoul|Taiwan|Hong Kong Food|BF Business|Mira]. BusinessFocus (in Chinese). 25 March 2022. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023 – via YouTube.
Mira (25 March 2023). "VLOG🇨🇦 一年後,我們在加拿大登記結婚了! 終於正式成為夫婦了:) 🐝 Mira 咪拉" [VLOG 🇨🇦 A year later, we registered our marriage in Canada! We are finally officially a couple :) 🐝 Mira] (in Chinese). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Kassidy (22 September 2018). "50萬訂閱者!90後韓國 YouTuber |拍片月袋過萬美金" [500,000 subscribers! South Korean-based YouTuber born in the 90s|The monthly income for filming videos exceeds 10,000 US dollars]. GOtrip (in Chinese). New Media Group [zh]. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Ng, Ka-man 伍嘉文 (6 January 2022). "禁堂食外賣必備蔥油 100元一罐韓國人爭相搶購" [Scallion oil is a must for dine-in and takeaway. Sold at HK$100 a can, South Koreans scrambling to buy]. Metro Pop [zh] (in Chinese). Metro International. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
"港正妹在九份「裝韓妞」買紅芭樂汁 店員反應讓她滿臉微笑" [Hong Kong beautiful girl bought red guava juice in Jiufen "pretending to be a Korean girl", and the clerk's reaction made her smile]. ETtoday [zh] (in Chinese). 22 May 2017. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Zoe (20 December 2021). RF (ed.). "香港YouTuber勇闖南韓貧民窟 與富人區江南相隔一條馬路 連當地人都未必知道" [Hong Kong YouTuber bravely ventured into the slums of South Korea. It is a road away from the rich area of Gangnam. Even the locals may not know it]. GOtrip (in Chinese). New Media Group [zh]. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Mira (26 September 2016). "感謝10萬訂閱! 有一件大家都會好奇的事 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!|Mira" [Thanks for 100,000 subscribers! There is one thing everyone will be curious about 100,000 subscribers!!|Mira] (in Chinese). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
Mira (31 October 2022). "訂婚Q&A|家人對於我們結婚的反應? 未婚夫是哪國人? 在哪登記結婚? 打算移居加拿大嗎? 🐝 Mira 咪拉" [Engagement Q&A|My family's reaction to our marriage? Where is my fiancé from? Where will the marriage be registered? Am I planning to immigrate to Canada? 🐝 Mira] (in Chinese). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
"YouTuber Mira韓國開《香港食堂》兩個月賺10萬即回本 網民力讚將香港美食發揚光大|移民|首爾|台灣|香港美食|BF生意經|Mira 咪拉" [YouTuber Mira opened "Hong Kong Fusion" in South Korea and earned HK$100,000 in two months, and netizens praised the development and promotion of Hong Kong food|Immigration|Seoul|Taiwan|Hong Kong Food|BF Business|Mira]. BusinessFocus (in Chinese). 25 March 2022. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023 – via YouTube.
Mira (25 March 2023). "VLOG🇨🇦 一年後,我們在加拿大登記結婚了! 終於正式成為夫婦了:) 🐝 Mira 咪拉" [VLOG 🇨🇦 A year later, we registered our marriage in Canada! We are finally officially a couple :) 🐝 Mira] (in Chinese). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 2 April 2023.