Tsunemichi, Yoshida. "三菱 2代目パジェロミニ(H53A/H58A型)の長所を紹介!内装はおしゃれでリサイクル可能な素材を使用?!" [Introducing the merits of the second generation Mitsubishi Pajero Mini (H53A/H58A model)! The interior is stylish and made of recyclable materials?!]. CarMe (in Japanese). Fabrica Communications Co., Ltd. Archived from the original on 2024-07-19.
"軽自動車用の4気筒エンジン" [Kei four-cylinder engines]. a-design-for-life (in Japanese). 2014-09-27. Archived from the original on 2019-07-08.
"【特別仕様2代目・前期型】三菱 パジェロミニ リンクスVリミテッド(H58A型)" [Special edition, pre-facelift 2nd generation: Mitsubishi Pajero Mini Lynx V Limited (H58A model)]. 軽自動車マニア [Kei Car Mania] (in Japanese). 2022-11-25. Archived from the original on 2023-12-04.
"【特別仕様2代目・前期型】三菱 パジェロミニ リンクスVリミテッド(H58A型)" [Special edition, pre-facelift 2nd generation: Mitsubishi Pajero Mini Lynx V Limited (H58A model)]. 軽自動車マニア [Kei Car Mania] (in Japanese). 2022-11-25. Archived from the original on 2023-12-04.
Tsunemichi, Yoshida. "三菱 2代目パジェロミニ(H53A/H58A型)の長所を紹介!内装はおしゃれでリサイクル可能な素材を使用?!" [Introducing the merits of the second generation Mitsubishi Pajero Mini (H53A/H58A model)! The interior is stylish and made of recyclable materials?!]. CarMe (in Japanese). Fabrica Communications Co., Ltd. Archived from the original on 2024-07-19.