Marilyn S. Kushner, ed., Three Hundred Years of American Painting: The Montclair Art Museum Collection (The University of Chicago Press), reviewed by Elinor Nacheman in Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America, vol. 9, no. 2 (Summer 1990), p. 112; available online
Kevin J. Avery and Diane P. Fischer, eds., American Tonalism: Selections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Montclair Art Museum (Montclair Art Museum, 1999), reviewed by Martin Hopkinson in The Burlington Magazine, vol. 142, no. 1168 (July 2000), p. 453; available online
"Cézanne and American Modernism". Yale University Press. Retrieved February 18, 2015. Published in conjunction with the exhibit: Gail Stavitsky and Katherine Rothkopf, eds., Cézanne and American Modernism (Yale University Press, 2009)