Mugulü (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mugulü" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
27th place
51st place
2nd place
2nd place
6th place
6th place
26th place
20th place
1st place
1st place
3,313th place
3,698th place
121st place
142nd place
305th place
264th place
3rd place
3rd place
5th place
5th place

  • Weishu vol. 103. The phrase "木骨閭既壯" is translatable as literally "Mugulü, because of [his] robustness", or - figuratively - "Mugulü, because of [his] maturity"; cf. Liji "Quli I txt: "三十曰壯" tr: "When he is thirty, we say, 'He is at his maturity;'" by James Legge

  • Weishu vol. 103 始神元之末,掠騎有得一奴 tr. "In the beginning of the end of the Shenyuan, a [Tuoba] raider cavalryman acquired a slave"
  • Weishu vol. 103 section "Ruru"
  • Weishu vol. 103. The phrase "木骨閭既壯" is translatable as literally "Mugulü, because of [his] robustness", or - figuratively - "Mugulü, because of [his] maturity"; cf. Liji "Quli I txt: "三十曰壯" tr: "When he is thirty, we say, 'He is at his maturity;'" by James Legge
  • Weishu vol. 103 "免奴為騎卒。穆帝時" tr. "[he was] release[d] from slavery and made a cavalry soldier, during the time of Emperor Mu (of Dai)"
  • Weishu vol. 103 "坐後期當斬"
  • Weishu vol. 103 "亡匿廣漠谿谷間, 逋逃得百餘人
  • Weishu vol. 103, Ruru "依突隣部" tr. "[They] relied on the Hetulin tribe"
  • The corresponding passage in Beishi vol. 98 Ruru reads "依突鄰部" tr. "[They] relied on the Chuntulin tribe" or "[They] relied on the pure Tulin tribe"
  • Both Weishu, Vol. 103, Gaoche and Beishi Vol. 98, Gaoche have "又有突隣" tr. "[There] were also the Hetulin tribe"
  • Weishu Vol. 103 "木骨閭死,子車鹿會雄健,始有部眾,自號柔然" "Mugulü died; [his] son Cheluhui, virile and robust, began to gather the tribal multitude, [his/their] self-appellation Rouran"
  • Weishu, vol. 103 "車鹿會既為部帥,歲貢馬畜、貂豽皮,冬則徙度漠南,夏則還居漠北。
  • Weishu Vol. 103 "而役屬於國。" tr. "yet [Cheluhui/Rouran] [was/were] vassal(s) of (our) state.
  • Weishu vol. 103 "其主字之曰木骨閭。「木骨閭」者,首禿也。"
  • Weishu, "Vol. 103" "髮始齊眉 [...] 首禿也"
  • Weishu Vol. 103 "髮始齊眉"
  • vol. 103 "忘本姓名"
  • Weishu Vol. 103 txt. "木骨閭與郁久閭聲相近,故後子孫因以為氏。" tr. "Mugulü and Yujiulü sound similar; hence [Mugulü's] descendants later used as surname"