Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Music of Lithuania" in English language version.
The Golden Lion for best national participation at the 58th Biennale went to Lithuania, which presented Sun & Sea (Marina), an opera about climate change by Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, and Lina Lapelytė that is set on a manmade beach in a building on the outskirts of the Arsenale. It was selected from among about 90 national pavilions.
On evidence here, Lithuanian composer Bronius Kutavicius (b. 1932) stands with the finest exponents of contemporary music from the Baltic republics and Scandinavia. His opera Lokys (The Bear) mixes the timeless atmosphere of Pelléas et Mélisande with the expressionist extremes of Wozzeck, if you can imagine such a thing, and does so with complete success.
On the podium she is a combination of flamboyance and steely poise. In person, Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla is just the same. When I meet the music director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, she fills the room with her dynamism, punctuating our conversation with sudden bellows of laughter and effusive hand gestures. But there's also a cool self-possession, a sense that this petite, immaculately turned-out Lithuanian conductor would never speak without careful deliberation. At just 31, Gražinytė-Tyla has the air of a veteran.
On the podium she is a combination of flamboyance and steely poise. In person, Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla is just the same. When I meet the music director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, she fills the room with her dynamism, punctuating our conversation with sudden bellows of laughter and effusive hand gestures. But there's also a cool self-possession, a sense that this petite, immaculately turned-out Lithuanian conductor would never speak without careful deliberation. At just 31, Gražinytė-Tyla has the air of a veteran.
Prussia is a land, southeast of the Baltic Sea, that was inhabited by Prussians and western Lithuanians. Today, this part of East Prussia is sometimes called Lithuania Minor. The Prussians were one of the Baltic nations. For thousands of years the Balts formed a strong community bound together by ties of blood and kinship. From these Baltic tribes, at the end of the first millennium and the beginning of the second, there began to evolve the Prussian, Yotvingian, Lithuanian, and Latvian nations, of which only the last two were fated to survive. The Prussians were pagans who worshiped their own god, who lived in the sky, Perkunas the Thunderer, as well as the Sun, the Moon, and other deities. For religious rites they gathered at altars in groves.
For example, approximately 100 musicians worked in Vilnius at the court of Mikalojus Radvila Juodasis (Mikołaj "The Black" Radziwiłł), the Protestant Grand Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Palatine of Vilnius (1515–1565)
Lithuanian opera soprano Asmik Grigorian has won an International Opera Award as the best female singer of 2019 for her role in Salome at the Salzburg Festival.
„O. Urbonas dirbo radijo gamykloje Kaune, todėl jam nebuvo sunku gauti įvairiausių detalių, reikalingų šiam instrumentui sukurti. Tai buvo vienbalsis sintezatorius (kvazimugas) su dviem generatoriais, juo negalėjai groti trumpesnių ar ilgesnių natų", – pasakoja kompozitorius.
Over the years, Bronius Kutavičius' ability to create an acoustic image of history has become widely acknowledged. It is therefore no coincidence that he was commissioned by the state to write a large-scale work commemorating the 750th anniversary of the coronation of Lithuania's first and only king, Mindaugas. The composer wrote Ignis et fides (Fire and Faith) for solo voices, reciters, choir and symphony orchestra, plus some folk instruments. This diptych will unite two dates of importance for Lithuania: the first mention of the name of Lithuania in historical sources, and the coronation of King Mindaugas.
Vasario 21 ir 22 d. LNOBT įvyks pasaulyje plačiai pripažintos lietuvių kompozitorės Onutės Narbutaitės operos „Kornetas" premjera. Operą kompozitorė sukūrė pagal Rainerio Maria Rilke's poemą „Sakmė apie korneto Kristupo Rilkės meilę ir mirtį", kuri buvo ypač populiari Pirmojo pasaulinio karo metais.
Smuikininkas Mykolas Hofmekleris vasario 2 d. atsiskyrė su šiuo pasauliu, sulaukęs 67 metų amžiaus. Kaip žinome, jis buvo vienas populiariausių kapelos vedėjų ir dažnai grodavo Lietuvos kariuomenei. Jis buvo apdovanotas DLK Gedimino or-denu. Prieš kiek laiko jis įgrojo Londone apie 40 lietuviškų plokštelių, nacių valdymo laikais buvo Dachau KZ stovykloje. Kilimo buvo iš Vilniaus krašto.
Gintaras Sodeika's innovative new opera delights in the surreal, painting an unconventional picture of Lithuania's history through opposing forces of Good and Evil, drawing together some highly original musical and dramatic ideas
Sutartinės (from the word sutarti – to be in concordance) is a form of polyphonic music performed by female singers in north-east Lithuania. The songs have simple melodies, with two to five pitches, and comprise two distinct parts: a meaningful main text and a refrain that may include nonce words.
HAVE A GOOD DAY! Opera for 10 cashiers, supermarket sounds and piano by Vaiva Grainytė, Lina Lapelytė, Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė