Iwase, Kento (June 18, 2020). "「ナムコットコレクション」にてDLC購入後に本編内で解放されるゲームが異なる不具合が発生中" [There is a problem that the game released in the main part is different after purchasing DLC in "Namcot Collection"]. Game Watch (in Japanese). Impress Group. Archived from the original on June 25, 2020. Retrieved August 28, 2020.
Iwase, Kento (June 18, 2020). "「ナムコットコレクション」にてDLC購入後に本編内で解放されるゲームが異なる不具合が発生中" [There is a problem that the game released in the main part is different after purchasing DLC in "Namcot Collection"]. Game Watch (in Japanese). Impress Group. Archived from the original on June 25, 2020. Retrieved August 28, 2020.