Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Nanchang Qingyunpu Airport" in English language version.
Liu Zhesheng claimed his fourth kill whilst flying in the new Soviet-made I-16 over Nanchang
The Japanese pilots reported that 60 Polikarpov I-16s were encountered over Nanchang. Despite the disparity in numbers, they attacked, claiming nine shot down, but 1Lt. Tsuruta and Sgt. Maj. Kichise were both shot down and killed, while Sgt. Maj. Sano returned with more than 20 bullet holes in his aircraft; only 2Lt. Obe's aircraft escaped damage... Kapitan Gubenko was credited with shooting down both Ki-10s claimed that day. One crashed on Yangtze Zhou and the other on the beach at Qingzhou.
徐葆畇,河北省玉田县人,生于中华民国四年... 在中央航空学校第五期毕业。历任空军第3大队第七队队员、空军第5大队第二十四队队员 、分队长、空军第5大队第二十六中队副队长、空军军士学校教官、空军第3大队第三十二及第八中队中队长、空军第4大队副大队长,升至上尉一级... 第三个被击落的是号称"东方红武士"的潮田良平,在中国的领空恣意妄为,目空一切,屡次轰炸我城市,射击我抗日军民... 潮田良平在南昌上空被中国飞行员徐葆畇击落殒命。