Kim, Hyeran (27 February 2018). "靑 페미니즘 교육 의무화 청원에 "통합 인권교육 추진...교육부 예산 12억 활용"" [Cheong Wa Dae answers the 'petition to feminism, education'. "Integrated Human Rights Education Promotion...Education Ministry Budgets of 1.2 Billion"]. The Dong-a Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 16 April 2019.
Han, sang-jun (20 November 2017). "참여 통로냐 vs 떼법 창구냐... 靑 국민청원 게시판 3개월, 명과 암" [It's a participation channel, vs. a breakout window. 靑 3 months on the bulletin board of the people petition, people and cancer]. The Dong-a Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 13 June 2019.
Kwon, Young Hoon (16 May 2018). "靑, '미세먼지 위험' 국민청원에 "중국 소송 어려워" 답변" [Cheong Wa Dae answers "China's lawsuit is difficult" to the "Midiculous Danger People's petition."]. (in Korean). Retrieved 17 June 2019.
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Baek, Minkyung (14 May 2018). "국민청원 최다 키워드는 아기·여성·학생...그 이유는" [The most keywords for a national petition are babies, women, and students...The reason is]. JoongAng Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 17 June 2019.
Lee, Jiyoung (21 May 2018). "靑, 청원 답변 "몰카범죄, 여성이 체감하는 불공정 시정되게 노력할 것"" [Blue House reply to the petition, "Molka crimes, we will make efforts to correct unfair practices felt by women."]. JoongAng Ilbo (in Korean). Retrieved 17 June 2019.
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Kim, Jihwan (8 May 2018). "靑 "GMO 완전표시제, 물가인상·통상마찰 우려 있지만 개선방안 마련"" [Cheong Wa Dae said, "Although there are concerns over GMO's complete display system, price hikes and trade friction, there are plans for improvement."]. Kyunghyang Shinmun (in Korean). Retrieved 17 June 2019.
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