Kurkiev 1978, p. 21. Kurkiev, A. S. (1978). "Вопросы ингушской антропонимики" [Questions of Ingush anthroponymy]. In Aliroev, I. Yu.; Selimov, A. A.; Shekurova, V. G.; Bibulatov, N. S. (eds.). Вопросы отраслевой лексики [Questions of industry vocabulary] (in Russian). Grozny: ChIGU. pp. 19–35.
Гаджиев 2019, pp. 188–189. Гаджиев, З. Т. (2019). Барахоева, Н. М.; Дзарахова, З. М.-Т.; Жеребило, Т. В. (eds.). "К вопросу о датировке основания города Назрань как ингушского поселения, существующего не менее 250 лет" [On the question of dating the founding of the city of Nazran as an Ingush settlement that has existed for at least 250 years] (PDF). Вестник Ингушского научно-исследовательского института гуманитарных наук им. Ч.Э. Ахриева (in Russian). No. 2. Магас. pp. 171–191.
Markovin 1987, p. 39. Markovin, V. I. (1987). "О христианизации горцев северо-восточного Кавказа и храме Датуна в Дагестане" [On the Christianization of the Highlanders of the North-Eastern Caucasus and the Temple of Datong in Dagestan]. In Magomedov, D. M.; Mammaev, M. M. (eds.). Художественная культура средневекового Дагестана: сборник статей [Artistic culture of medieval Dagestan: collection of articles] (PDF) (in Russian). Makhachkala: DF AN SSSR. pp. 37–48.
Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post). Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search) (in Russian)
"Nazran". aksakal.info. Archived from the original on March 16, 2009. Retrieved March 25, 2023.
Alimbek Kurkiev who held this point of view, did not rule out the possibility of certain connection of 'Nazran' with the mineral water Narzan [ru], found in present-day Stavropol Krai, or with the Kabardian name of Kislovodsk, Nartsanē/Nartsana (Kabardian: Нарцанэ/Нартсана).[12]
The official founding date of Nazran considered 1781 which is based on the fact that Russian officer L. L. Shteder mentioned the Ingush post on a high cape between the Sunzha and Nazranka rivers in that year. The decision on this historical determination of the date of the founding of the city was made at the conference held by the Nazran city administration on July 15, 2000.[2] However the aul Nazran has been mentioned earlier as Nasranova in the year 1774 on the map "Carte de la partie septentrionale de l'empire otoman" made by Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni [it]. Overall, in the documents of 1780s, there has been mentioned various times about an Ingush village on the Nazranka river as well as the mention of the Nazran by its name.[3]
Lavrov 1966, p. 200. Lavrov, L. I. (1966). Bolshakov, O. G.; Gardanov; et al. (eds.). Эпиграфические памятники Северного Кавказа X—XVII вв. [Epigraphic monuments of the North Caucasus in the 10th-17th centuries]. Памятники письменности Востока (in Russian). Vol. 1. Moscow: Nauka. pp. 1–299.