Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "New York v. Strauss-Kahn" in English language version.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Sunday that his sexual encounter with a New York City hotel chambermaid was "an error" and "a moral failure" he would regret his whole life, but not a criminal act.
The prosecution has the burden at trial to prove the guilt of an accused beyond a reasonable doubt. For a host of reasons, including those set forth below, the complainant's untruthfulness makes it impossible to credit her. Because we cannot credit the complainant's testimony beyond a reasonable doubt, we cannot ask a jury to do so. The remaining evidence is insufficient to satisfy the elements of the charged crimes. We are therefore required, as both a legal and ethical matter, to move for dismissal of the indictment.
"I want a better life for my child" ("Je veux une meilleure vie pour mon enfant.") Lundi 10 décembre, dans le secret de la salle des négociations du tribunal du Bronx, Nafissatou Diallo n'a pas trouvé d'autres mots pour commenter le contrat qui lui était soumis
'I thank everyone who supported me all over the world,' Diallo says leaving courthouse
Justice Douglas E. McKeon of State Supreme Court in the Bronx characterized Mr. Strauss-Kahn's attempt to claim diplomatic immunity as "his own version of a Hail Mary pass," noting that he had resigned from his position as the head of the International Monetary Fund before the suit was filed.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Sunday that his sexual encounter with a New York City hotel chambermaid was "an error" and "a moral failure" he would regret his whole life, but not a criminal act.
Physiquement, les témoignages divergent. Les avocats de DSK auraient déclaré avoir été surpris de découvrir le visage «très peu séduisant» de l'accusatrice, à la comparution au cours de laquelle elle a formellement identifié celui qu'elle désigne comme étant son agresseur, rapporte RMC... Dans les colonnes de «France Soir», un chauffeur de taxi indien appelé Sony indique au contraire que le voiturier de l'hôtel lui aurait «dit que cette femme de ménage était une trentenaire très jolie, qu'elle avait de gros seins et de belles fesses.» Un des informateurs d'Europe 1 évoque aussi une femme «plutôt jolie». D'habitude, précise Mark Gangadeen, cette musulmane portait un pantalon de couleur foncée, un foulard sur la tête avec un imprimé tribal, et des chaussures plates.
... Accor Group, the French company which owns the Sofitel, yesterday firmly rebuffed Epstein's conspiracy theory, with its ex-director of security describing it as "absolute fantasy".
Strauss-Kahn's lawyers say forensic evidence does not support a forcible encounter. "In our judgment, once the evidence has been cleared, it will be clear that there was no element of forcible compulsion in this case whatsoever. Any suggestion to the contrary is simply not credible," said Ben Brafman, his lawyer. Thompson said: "The victim wants you to know that all of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's power, money and influence throughout the world do not keep the truth about what he did to her in that hotel room from coming out. And that despite the smear campaign that is being committed against her, she is standing up for her dignity as a woman. "She's standing up for her self-respect as a woman. And she is standing up for all women and children around the world who have been sexually assaulted or sexually abused and are too afraid to say something."
In passages sure to delight Strauss-Kahn supporters and conspiracy theorists, Epstein's lengthy article studied hotel door key and phone records and traced links to Strauss-Kahn's potential political rivals, appearing to suggest the possibility that he had been set up.
In the more than two hours we speak, it becomes clear that Strauss-Kahn is convinced that his downfall was choreographed by his political enemies. They may not have gone so far as to set up the encounter with Diallo, he now accepts, but he believes they did play a role, through intercepted phone calls, in making sure that the hotel maid went to the police and thus turned a private tryst into a public scandal.
The prosecution has the burden at trial to prove the guilt of an accused beyond a reasonable doubt. For a host of reasons, including those set forth below, the complainant's untruthfulness makes it impossible to credit her. Because we cannot credit the complainant's testimony beyond a reasonable doubt, we cannot ask a jury to do so. The remaining evidence is insufficient to satisfy the elements of the charged crimes. We are therefore required, as both a legal and ethical matter, to move for dismissal of the indictment.
Strauss-Kahn's lawyers say forensic evidence does not support a forcible encounter. "In our judgment, once the evidence has been cleared, it will be clear that there was no element of forcible compulsion in this case whatsoever. Any suggestion to the contrary is simply not credible," said Ben Brafman, his lawyer. Thompson said: "The victim wants you to know that all of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's power, money and influence throughout the world do not keep the truth about what he did to her in that hotel room from coming out. And that despite the smear campaign that is being committed against her, she is standing up for her dignity as a woman. "She's standing up for her self-respect as a woman. And she is standing up for all women and children around the world who have been sexually assaulted or sexually abused and are too afraid to say something."
'I thank everyone who supported me all over the world,' Diallo says leaving courthouse
"I want a better life for my child" ("Je veux une meilleure vie pour mon enfant.") Lundi 10 décembre, dans le secret de la salle des négociations du tribunal du Bronx, Nafissatou Diallo n'a pas trouvé d'autres mots pour commenter le contrat qui lui était soumis
Physiquement, les témoignages divergent. Les avocats de DSK auraient déclaré avoir été surpris de découvrir le visage «très peu séduisant» de l'accusatrice, à la comparution au cours de laquelle elle a formellement identifié celui qu'elle désigne comme étant son agresseur, rapporte RMC... Dans les colonnes de «France Soir», un chauffeur de taxi indien appelé Sony indique au contraire que le voiturier de l'hôtel lui aurait «dit que cette femme de ménage était une trentenaire très jolie, qu'elle avait de gros seins et de belles fesses.» Un des informateurs d'Europe 1 évoque aussi une femme «plutôt jolie». D'habitude, précise Mark Gangadeen, cette musulmane portait un pantalon de couleur foncée, un foulard sur la tête avec un imprimé tribal, et des chaussures plates.