Nicolae Blatt (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Nicolae Blatt" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
2nd place
2nd place
5th place
5th place
4th place
4th place
1,226th place
1,421st place
3rd place
3rd place
low place
low place
9,048th place
6,866th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • St. John, V. Abstract: Blatt, Nicolas (Roumania). "Increase of carbohydrate tolerance and reduction of glycosuria before cataract operation in cases of diabetes. (Hebung der Kohlenhydrattoleranz und Verminderung der Glykosurie vor Staroperationen bei diabetischer Stoffwechselstörung.)" British Journal of Ophthalmology, Cataracts, p. 550. downloaded from
  • St. John, V. Abstract: Blatt, Nicolas (Roumania). "Clinical and pathological study of primary anthrax of the eyelids. (Klinik und Pathologie des primaren Lidanthrax.)" British Journal of Ophthalmology, Leaflet 112, 1923. downloaded from

  • Izsak, Sámuel; Gidó, Attila (October 2003). "Samuel Izsak, Cluj-Napoca, Romania". Centropa (Interview). In the neighboring house there was the doctor's office of Dr. Miklos [Hungarian for Nicolae] Blatt, a famous ophthalmologist of Jewish origin. While I was still in elementary school, there was an epidemic of contagious ophthalmitis. So our parents, of course, took us to him. He was an outstanding ophthalmologist. Later, after the war, he became a university professor in Temesvar and then he emigrated to Germany. He worked as visiting professor in Frankfurt am Main. Miklos Blatt was also an excellent writer, he published scientific monographs and essays.

  • Schneider, Francisc (3 April 2011). "Evocări Timișorene" (PDF). Realitatea Evreiască (in Romanian). 360–361: 4. De multă admiraţie s-a bucurat oftalmologul Nicolae Blatt, în continuă legătură ştiinţifică cu colegii din Vest, din care cauză a fost etichetat drept cosmopolit.

  • Munteanu, Mihnea (18 September 2012). "Disciplina de Oftalmologie". Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Victor Babeş" Timişoara. Retrieved 4 January 2015.

  • Iftimovici, Radu (29 May 2013). "Apele freatice ale românismului". Viața Medicală (in Romanian). Zidul dintre cei din lagăr (evident, socialist) şi cei din afară a fost cimentat şi de laşitatea impardonabilă a unor intelectuali (membri ai Academiei RPR sau veleitari ai palmelor academice) care au semnat in corpore condamnări de tip inchizitorial, cum a fost aceea care l-a lovit pe oftalmologul Nicolae Blatt şi revista sa, doar pentru că sumarul publicaţiei a fost reprodus într-o revistă din SUA. În loc să fie un motiv de mândrie că suntem băgaţi în seamă de o literatură ştiinţifică care în superbia ei nu-i prea ia în seamă nici pe europenii din Occident, noi semnăm – academicienii, obedienţi – o ignobilă formulare de genul: 'revista Oftalmologia, lăudată de aţâţătorii la un nou război, dovedeşte ostilitate faţă de măreaţa oftalmologie sovietică şi faţă de genialul Filatov, părintele oftalmologiei mondiale.' Îmi vine greu să înşir aici numele semnatarilor

  • Lee, Arthur Stanley Gould (1956). Helen, Queen Mother of Romania; Princess Of Greece And Denmark. London: Faber and Faber. Queen Helen was under constant surveillance by Antonescu's agents. She strongly believed that she was in danger of being taken hostage to Germany. (pp. 214, 222 and 223), and Lee, Arthur S Gould (2005). Helen, Queen Mother Of Romania; Princess Of Greece And Denmark [Elena, regina-mamă a româniei prințesă de Grecia și Danemarca : o biografie autorizată]. Translated by Liana Alecu (Romanian translation ed.). Bucharest: Humanitas. ISBN 9789735009007. OCLC 60641997.
  • Hollwich, Fritz, ed. (1964). Ophthalmologen-Verzeichnis, Bio und Bibliographie (in German). Stuttgart: Ferdinand Emke. pp. 36–37. OCLC 78484799.