Roger E. Hedlund, Quest for Identity: India's Churches of Indigenous Origin: the "Little Tradition" in Indian Christianity, ISPCK/MIIS, New Delhi/Madras, 2000, p.16. [4]
M. Stephen, Contextual Issues: Theological, Ethical and Missiological Responses, Concept, New Delhi, 2011, p.85. [5]
Timotheas Hembrom was supervised for his doctoral studies by both Nirmal Minz and Renthy Keitzer. Foreword by Timotheas Hembrom in The Santals: Anthropological-Theological reflections on Santali and Biblical Creation Traditions, Punthi Pustak, Calcutta, 1996. [7]
Arthur Bonner, Averting the Apocalypse: Social Movements in India Today, Duke University Press, 1990, pp.251-252. [8]
K. V. Mathew, Nirmal Minz My Senior in Josepha Mariyānusa Kujūra, Sonajharia Minz (Edited), Indigenous people of India, problems and prospects: Essays in honour of Bishop Dr. Nirmal Minz, an Adivasi intellectual, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, 2007, p.63. [9]
Arthur Bonner, Averting the Apocalypse: Social Movements in India Today, Duke University Press, 2009, pp.251. [10]
The American Lutheran, Volumes 39-40, American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 1956, p.510. [11]
Nirmal Minz, A Christian Community in a Culture, Luther Theological Seminary, Minnesota, 1957. [12]
Nirmal Minz, The Messiah Or the Prophet in Nativistic Movements, 1957. [13]
Nirmal Minz, Mahatma Gandhi and Hindu-Christian Dialogue, Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, Bangalore, 1970. [14]
Nirmal Minz, The Industrial Parish, Department of Organized Research, Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, 1960. [15]
Nirmal Minz, Joel Lakra, A Memorandum on the Adivasi Problems in Central Tribal Belt of India and Their Permanent Solutions, 1968. [16]
Nirmal Minz, Rise Up, My People, and Claim the Promise: The Gospel Among the Tribes of India, ISPCK, New Delhi, 1997. [17]
Nirmal Minz, Dilbar Hans and B. M. Pugh, Approach to Tribal Communities Today, Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, Bangalore, 1961. [18]
Nirmal Minz, A Theological Interpregation of the Tribal Reality in India, Religion and Society, Volume 34, Issue 4, 1987, pp.71-85. Also appearing in R. S. Sigirtharajah and C. Hargreaves (Edited), Readings in Indian Christian Theology, Volume I, SPCK, London, 1993, PP.46-58. [19]
Nirmal Minz, Dalit-Tribal: A Search for a Common Ideology in James Massey (Edited), Indigenous People: Dalit Issues in Today's Theological Debate, ISPCK, New Delhi, 1994, pp.134-142. [20]
Josepha Mariyānusa Kujūra, Sonajharia Minz (Edited), Indigenous people of India, problems and prospects: Essays in honour of Bishop Dr. Nirmal Minz, an Adivasi intellectual, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, 2007. [21].