"e-POWER専売で年内登場! 激変の新型ノート初公開&12月発売で日産復活へ" [Appeared within the year exclusively for e-POWER! The drastic change of the new note will be released for the first time and will be released in December to revive Nissan]. 自動車情報誌「ベストカー」 (in Japanese). 2020-11-24. Retrieved 2020-11-24.
株式会社インプレス (2020-11-24). "日産、「ノート」をフルモデルチェンジ 全車e-POWER搭載で価格は202万9500円から" [Nissan fully remodels "Note" All models are equipped with e-POWER and the price starts from 2,029,500 yen]. Car Watch (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-11-24.
"自動車業界を襲う新たな懸念材料---ホンダ、日産など半導体不足で減産へ[新聞ウォッチ]" [New concerns that hit the automobile industry --- Honda, Nissan, etc. will cut production due to semiconductor shortage]. レスポンス(Response.jp) (in Japanese). 12 January 2021. Retrieved 2021-07-10.
"あの時売れていた車は?人気乗用車販売台数ランキング" [What cars were selling at that time? Popular passenger car sales ranking]. www.sonysonpo.co.jp (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-03-31.