K. M. George, Church of South India: life in union, 1947–1997, Jointly published by Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Christava Sahitya Samithi, Tiruvalla, 1999, pp.36-41. [1]
Rajaiah David Paul, ‘’The First Decade: An Account of the Church of South India’’, Christian Literature Society, Madras, 1958, p.74. [2]
Bernard Thorogood, Gales of Change: Responding to a Shifting Missionary Context : the Story of the London Missionary Society, 1945-1977, WCC, p. 97.
Norman Sargant, History of the Protestant Church (in Karnataka), Cited by Godwin Shiri in Wholeness in Christ: the legacy of the Basel Mission in India, Karnataka Theological College and Research Institute, Mangalore, 1985, p.76. [5]
Norman Carr Sargant, My Dear Boy: Letters from Norman Thomas Carr Sargant to His Son Norman Carr Sargant : September 1939-January 1946. [6]
Norman Carr Sargant, The Life Story of an Indian Minister: The Rev. Henry Premaka, 1850-1922, C.L.S. Press, Madras. [7]
Norman Carr Sargant, The Dispersion of the Tamil Church, S.P.C.K, 1940. [8]
Norman Carr Sargant, A Letter from Mysore, Printed at the Wesley Press and Publishing House, 1944. [9]
Norman Carr Sargant, Arthur Marcus Ward, William Ernest Tomlinson, W. E. Tomlinson: a memoir and some papers, Christian Literature Society for India, Madras, 1952. [10]
Norman Carr Sargant, 'The Lingayats: The Vira-Saiva Religion’’, Christian Institute . for the Study of Religion and Society, Bangalore, 1963. [11]
Norman Carr Sargant, A charge delivered by Norman Carr Sargant, second bishop in Mysore, at a meeting of the presbyters and deacons attending the ninthe Diocesan Council at Hubli, November 14th 1963, 1963. [12]
Norman C. Sargant, ‘’India: A Christian View’’ in The Labour Monthly, Volume 58, published by Rajani Palme Dutt, Labour Publishing Company, 1976, p.545. [13]
Norman Carr Sargant, India, My Appointed Place: An Account of Mary Carpenter's Four Journeys to India, 1985. [14]
Norman Sargant, From Missions to Church in Karnataka, 1920-1950, Christian Literature Society, Madras, 1987. [16]
Sargant, Norman Carr Collection, Reference code(s): GB 0151 DA36, held at Birmingham - University of, Information Services, Orchard Learning Resources Centre [4]
Norman Sargant, From Missions to Church in Karnataka, 1920-1950, Christian Literature Society, Madras, 1987. [15]