Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Occupation of Poland (1939–1945)" in English language version.
From diary of Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, dated 12 December 1941.
General Plan Ost, which provided for the liquidation of the Slavic peoples
Piotrowski argues that from the very beginning, it was Stalin's aim to ensure that an independent Poland would never reemerge in the postwar period. The prisons, ghettos, internment, transit, labor and extermination camps, roundups, mass deportations, public executions, mobile killing units, death marches, deprivation, hunger, disease, and exposure all testify to the 'inhuman policies of both Hitler and Stalin and 'were clearly aimed at the total extermination of Poland's citizens, both Jews and Christians. Both regimes endorsed a systematic program of genocide.
If they met racial guidelines, they were taken; one girl got back home.
Die Sterberate war in dem Heim sehr hoch. Mangelernährung, bewusste Vernachlässigung und die unzureichende Hygiene führten in den primitiven Örtlichkeiten zu einer „schnellen" Sterblichkeit.
From diary of Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, dated 12 December 1941.
If they met racial guidelines, they were taken; one girl got back home.
Das Projekt „Krieg gegen Kinder" resümiert in diesem Zusammenhang: „Die Anweisung Himmlers, die Kinder möglichst wenige Tage nach der Geburt von den Müttern zu trennen und in 'Ausländerpflegestätten einfachster Art' unterzubringen, kam einer Mordempfehlung gleich". [...] Wohl aber waren es die Krankheit fördernden Zustände, die [...] zum Tode von Kindern führten. Heutzutage würde die Justiz in solchen Fällen vermutlich Tötungsdelikte „durch Unterlassen" gegeben sehen. [The project "War against Children" sums up in this context: "Himmler's instruction to separate the children from their mothers as soon as possible a few days after birth and to place them in 'foreigners' care centers of the simplest kind' was tantamount to a murder recommendation". [...] However, it was the conditions promoting illness that led to the death of children [...]. Nowadays, the judiciary would presumably regard such cases as homicides "by neglect".]
They conducted deliberate and systematic genocide, viz., the extermination of racial and national groups, against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories in order to destroy particular races and classes of people and national, racial, or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, and Gypsies and others.