Tennyson dedicated his poem to the classical scholar Benjamin Jowett as "a Grecian tale retold" and in his Memoirs (ii.386) credited it with being "even more strictly classical in form and language than the old", as Wilfred P. Mustard noted in The American Journal of Philology23.3 (1902), p 318. See "The death of Oenone"Archived 2007-06-09 at the Wayback Machine
Tennyson dedicated his poem to the classical scholar Benjamin Jowett as "a Grecian tale retold" and in his Memoirs (ii.386) credited it with being "even more strictly classical in form and language than the old", as Wilfred P. Mustard noted in The American Journal of Philology23.3 (1902), p 318. See "The death of Oenone"Archived 2007-06-09 at the Wayback Machine