Law No. 178 of 3 March 1951Istituzione dell'Ordine "Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana" e disciplina del conferimento e dell'uso delle onorificenze (Institution of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic and discipline of the conferment and the use of honours), published in Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 73, 30 March 1951 (in Italian).
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Legislative Decree No. 66 of 15 March 2010Codice dell'ordinamento militare (Code of Military Ordinances) Article 2268 para. 596, published in Ordinary Supplement No. 84 of Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 106, 8 March 2010 (in Italian).
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Law No. 203(1) of 7 March 1954Archived 5 June 2011 at the Wayback MachineMedaglia Mauriziana al Merito di dieci lustri di carriera militare, published in Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 116, 21 May 1954 (in Italian), as amended by Law No. 1327 of 8 November 1956.
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Mendola, Louis A.M. (1989). Italian Titles of Nobility. London: Journal of the Orders and Medals Research Society. Archived from the original on 21 June 2010. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
Law No. 203(1) of 7 March 1954Archived 5 June 2011 at the Wayback MachineMedaglia Mauriziana al Merito di dieci lustri di carriera militare, published in Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 116, 21 May 1954 (in Italian), as amended by Law No. 1327 of 8 November 1956.
Mendola, Louis A.M. (1993). Contemporary Knighthood in Italy. London: Journal of the Orders and Medals Research Society. Archived from the original on 31 October 2010. Retrieved 21 February 2010.