Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 215; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 145–146; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 68. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Espírito Santo 2018, p. 83; Kerestetzi 2018, p. xii. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2018). "The Spirit of a Place: Materiality, Apatiality, and Feeling in Afro-American Religions". Journal de la société des américanistes. 104–1. Translated by Dominic Horsfall: ix–xxv.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ayorinde 2004, p. 15; Palmié 2013, p. 120; Pokines 2015, p. 2. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Vélez 2000, p. 16; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 200; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 69. Vélez, María Teresa (2000). Drumming For The Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe Garcia Villamil, Santero, Palero and Abakua. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN978-1566397315. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Dodson 2008, p. 94; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 89; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 195. Dodson, Jualynne E. (2008). Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN978-0826343536. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Ochoa 2010, p. 106; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 196. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 216; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 196. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Dodson 2008, p. 92; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 95; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 160. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Dodson, Jualynne E. (2008). Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN978-0826343536. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Barnet 1997, p. 159; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 95. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ayorinde 2004, p. 16; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 94. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Barnet 1997, p. 160; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 163; Kerestetzi 2018, p. x. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2018). "The Spirit of a Place: Materiality, Apatiality, and Feeling in Afro-American Religions". Journal de la société des américanistes. 104–1. Translated by Dominic Horsfall: ix–xxv.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 37. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 216; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 199. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 150. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ochoa 2010, p. 140. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 203; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 155. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ochoa 2010, pp. 88–89; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 96; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 154. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Vélez 2000, pp. 15–16; Bettelheim 2001, p. 37; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 89. Vélez, María Teresa (2000). Drumming For The Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe Garcia Villamil, Santero, Palero and Abakua. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN978-1566397315. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Wedel 2004, p. 54; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 171; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 69. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 9; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 200; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 164. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Ayorinde 2004, p. 16; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 150–151. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, pp. 201–202; Palmié 2013, p. 121. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131.
Pokines 2015, p. 6. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Palmié 2013, p. 121; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 207. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 164, 200. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Wedel 2004, pp. 55–56; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 90; Pokines 2015, p. 2. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Pokines 2015, p. 2; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 167. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Wedel 2004, p. 56. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7.
Wedel 2004, p. 54; Ochoa 2010, p. 73; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 201; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 161–162. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, pp. 201, 215; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 162, 168. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Palmié 2013, p. 126; Pokines 2015, p. 6. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Clark 2005, p. 63; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 69. Clark, Mary Ann (2005). Where Men Are Wives And Mothers Rule: Santería Ritual Practices and their Gender Implications. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813028347. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, p. 271. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Ochoa 2010, p. 12; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 77. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, p. 154. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 159. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 39. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 46. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, p. 155. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, pp. 38–39; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 159. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Barnet 1997, p. 155; Vélez 2000, p. 64. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Vélez, María Teresa (2000). Drumming For The Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe Garcia Villamil, Santero, Palero and Abakua. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN978-1566397315.
Barnet 1997, p. 156; Ochoa 2010, p. 79. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
González Bueno 1993, p. 118; Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, pp. 111–112, 150. González Bueno, Gladys (1993). "An Initiation Ceremony in Regla de Palo". In Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (ed.). Afrocuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture. Melbourne: Ocean Press. pp. 117–120. ISBN9781875284412. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 40. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, pp. 40, 41; Ochoa 2010, pp. 116–117, 122; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 95; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 168. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
González Bueno 1993, p. 119; Bettelheim 2001, p. 41. González Bueno, Gladys (1993). "An Initiation Ceremony in Regla de Palo". In Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (ed.). Afrocuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture. Melbourne: Ocean Press. pp. 117–120. ISBN9781875284412. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, pp. 40–41; Ochoa 2010, p. 124. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
González Bueno 1993, p. 119; Bettelheim 2001, p. 41; Ochoa 2010, p. 127. González Bueno, Gladys (1993). "An Initiation Ceremony in Regla de Palo". In Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (ed.). Afrocuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture. Melbourne: Ocean Press. pp. 117–120. ISBN9781875284412. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Barnet 1997, p. 142; Dodson 2008, p. 90; Ochoa 2010, p. 9. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Dodson, Jualynne E. (2008). Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN978-0826343536. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Clark 2001, p. 23; Wirtz 2007, p. 30. Clark, Mary Ann (2001). "¡No Hay Ningun Santo Aqui! (There Are No Saints Here!): Symbolic Language within Santería". Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 69 (1): 21–41. doi:10.1093/jaarel/69.1.21. JSTOR1466068. Wirtz, Kristina (2007). Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santería: Speaking a Sacred World. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813030647.
Brandon 1993, pp. 86–87; Sandoval 1979, p. 141. Brandon, George (1993). Santeria from Africa to the New World: The Dead Sell Memories. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. ISBN978-0253211149. Sandoval, Mercedes C. (1979). "Santeria as a Mental Health Care System: An Historical Overview". Social Science and Medicine. 13B (2): 137–51. doi:10.1016/0160-7987(79)90009-7. PMID505056.
Ayorinde 2007, p. 153. Ayorinde, Christine (2007). "Writing Out Africa? Racial Politics and the Cuban regla de ocha". In Theodore Louis Trost (ed.). The African Diaspora and the Study of Religion. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 151–66. doi:10.1057/9780230609938_9. ISBN978-1403977861.
Clark 2005, p. 8; Ayorinde 2007, p. 154. Clark, Mary Ann (2005). Where Men Are Wives And Mothers Rule: Santería Ritual Practices and their Gender Implications. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813028347. Ayorinde, Christine (2007). "Writing Out Africa? Racial Politics and the Cuban regla de ocha". In Theodore Louis Trost (ed.). The African Diaspora and the Study of Religion. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 151–66. doi:10.1057/9780230609938_9. ISBN978-1403977861.
Ayorinde 2007, pp. 154–55; Wirtz 2007, p. 64. Ayorinde, Christine (2007). "Writing Out Africa? Racial Politics and the Cuban regla de ocha". In Theodore Louis Trost (ed.). The African Diaspora and the Study of Religion. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 151–66. doi:10.1057/9780230609938_9. ISBN978-1403977861. Wirtz, Kristina (2007). Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santería: Speaking a Sacred World. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813030647.
Hagedorn 2001, p. 197; Ayorinde 2007, p. 156. Hagedorn, Katherine J. (2001). Divine Utterances: The Performance of Afro-Cuban Santería. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books. ISBN978-1560989479. Ayorinde, Christine (2007). "Writing Out Africa? Racial Politics and the Cuban regla de ocha". In Theodore Louis Trost (ed.). The African Diaspora and the Study of Religion. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 151–66. doi:10.1057/9780230609938_9. ISBN978-1403977861.
Pérez 2021, p. 520. Pérez, Elizabeth (2021). "The Black Atlantic Metaphysics of Azealia Banks: Brujx Womanism at the Kongo Crossroads". Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 36 (3): 519–246. doi:10.1017/hyp.2021.39.
Pokines 2015, p. 2. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Ochoa 2010, p. 145; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 97. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 197; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 148. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 47. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 44. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ayorinde 2004, p. 15; Palmié 2013, p. 120; Pokines 2015, p. 2. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Dodson 2008, p. 92; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 95; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 160. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Dodson, Jualynne E. (2008). Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN978-0826343536. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ayorinde 2004, p. 16; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 94. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 37. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 150. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ochoa 2010, p. 140. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ochoa 2010, pp. 88–89; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 96; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 154. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Vélez 2000, pp. 15–16; Bettelheim 2001, p. 37; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 89. Vélez, María Teresa (2000). Drumming For The Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe Garcia Villamil, Santero, Palero and Abakua. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN978-1566397315. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Pokines 2015, p. 2; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 167. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Wedel 2004, p. 56. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, p. 271. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, p. 154. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 159. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 39. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 46. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, p. 155. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, pp. 38–39; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 159. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
González Bueno 1993, p. 118; Bettelheim 2001, p. 38; Ochoa 2010, pp. 111–112, 150. González Bueno, Gladys (1993). "An Initiation Ceremony in Regla de Palo". In Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (ed.). Afrocuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture. Melbourne: Ocean Press. pp. 117–120. ISBN9781875284412. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 40. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, pp. 40, 41; Ochoa 2010, pp. 116–117, 122; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 95; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 168. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
González Bueno 1993, p. 119; Bettelheim 2001, p. 41. González Bueno, Gladys (1993). "An Initiation Ceremony in Regla de Palo". In Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (ed.). Afrocuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture. Melbourne: Ocean Press. pp. 117–120. ISBN9781875284412. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, pp. 40–41; Ochoa 2010, p. 124. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
González Bueno 1993, p. 119; Bettelheim 2001, p. 41; Ochoa 2010, p. 127. González Bueno, Gladys (1993). "An Initiation Ceremony in Regla de Palo". In Pedro Pérez Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (ed.). Afrocuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture. Melbourne: Ocean Press. pp. 117–120. ISBN9781875284412. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Brandon 1993, p. 43; Hagedorn 2000, p. 100; Hagedorn 2001, p. 75. Brandon, George (1993). Santeria from Africa to the New World: The Dead Sell Memories. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. ISBN978-0253211149. Hagedorn, Katherine J. (2000). "Bringing Down the Santo: An Analysis of Possession Performance in Afro-Cuban Santería". The World of Music. 42 (2): 99–113. JSTOR41699335. Hagedorn, Katherine J. (2001). Divine Utterances: The Performance of Afro-Cuban Santería. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books. ISBN978-1560989479.
Clark 2001, p. 23; Wirtz 2007, p. 30. Clark, Mary Ann (2001). "¡No Hay Ningun Santo Aqui! (There Are No Saints Here!): Symbolic Language within Santería". Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 69 (1): 21–41. doi:10.1093/jaarel/69.1.21. JSTOR1466068. Wirtz, Kristina (2007). Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santería: Speaking a Sacred World. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813030647.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Ochoa 2010, p. 145; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 97. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 47. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 44. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 36; Ayorinde 2004, p. 15; Palmié 2013, p. 120; Pokines 2015, p. 2. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Pokines 2015, p. 6. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Wedel 2004, pp. 55–56; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 90; Pokines 2015, p. 2. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Bettelheim 2001, p. 43; Pokines 2015, p. 2; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 167. Bettelheim, Judith (2001). "Palo Monte Mayombe and Its Influence on Cuban Contemporary Art". African Arts. 34 (2): 36–49, 94–96. doi:10.2307/3337912. JSTOR3337912. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Palmié 2013, p. 126; Pokines 2015, p. 6. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Brandon 1993, pp. 86–87; Sandoval 1979, p. 141. Brandon, George (1993). Santeria from Africa to the New World: The Dead Sell Memories. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. ISBN978-0253211149. Sandoval, Mercedes C. (1979). "Santeria as a Mental Health Care System: An Historical Overview". Social Science and Medicine. 13B (2): 137–51. doi:10.1016/0160-7987(79)90009-7. PMID505056.
Pokines 2015, p. 2. Pokines, James T. (2015). "A Santería/Palo Mayombe Ritual Cauldron Containing a Human Skull and Multiple Artifacts Recovered in Western Massachusetts, U.S.A.". Forensic Science International. 248: 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.12.017. PMID25614303.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 215; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 145–146; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 68. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Espírito Santo 2018, p. 83; Kerestetzi 2018, p. xii. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2018). "The Spirit of a Place: Materiality, Apatiality, and Feeling in Afro-American Religions". Journal de la société des américanistes. 104–1. Translated by Dominic Horsfall: ix–xxv.
Vélez 2000, p. 16; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 200; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 69. Vélez, María Teresa (2000). Drumming For The Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe Garcia Villamil, Santero, Palero and Abakua. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN978-1566397315. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Dodson 2008, p. 94; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 89; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 195. Dodson, Jualynne E. (2008). Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN978-0826343536. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Ochoa 2010, p. 106; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 196. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 216; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 196. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 216; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 199. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 203; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 155. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Wedel 2004, p. 54; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 171; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 69. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 9; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 200; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 164. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Ayorinde 2004, p. 16; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 150–151. Ayorinde, Christine (2004). Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813027555. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, pp. 201–202; Palmié 2013, p. 121. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131.
Palmié 2013, p. 121; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 207. Palmié, Stephan (2013). "Signal and Noise: Digging up the Dead in Archaeology and Afro-Cuban Palo Monte". Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (1): 115–131. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 164, 200. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Wedel 2004, p. 54; Ochoa 2010, p. 73; Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 198. Wedel, Johan (2004). Santería Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0-8130-2694-7. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 201; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 161–162. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, pp. 201, 215; Kerestetzi 2015, pp. 162, 168. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Clark 2005, p. 63; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 69. Clark, Mary Ann (2005). Where Men Are Wives And Mothers Rule: Santería Ritual Practices and their Gender Implications. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN978-0813028347. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Ochoa 2010, p. 12; Espírito Santo 2018, p. 77. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842. Espírito Santo, Diana (2018). "Assemblage Making, Materiality, and Self in Cuban Palo Monte". Social Analysis. 62 (3): 67–87. doi:10.3167/sa.2018.620304. S2CID149589227.
Espírito Santo, Kerestetzi & Panagiotopoulos 2013, p. 197; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 148. Espírito Santo, Diana; Kerestetzi, Katerina; Panagiotopoulos, Anastasios (2013). "Human Substances and Ontological Transformations in the African-Inspired Ritual Complex of Palo Monte in Cuba". Critical African Studies. 5 (3): 195–219. doi:10.1080/21681392.2013.837285. S2CID143902124. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173.
Barnet 1997, p. 159; Fernández Olmos & Paravisini-Gebert 2011, p. 95. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Fernández Olmos, Margarite; Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (2011). Creole Religions of the Caribbean: An Introduction from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo (second ed.). New York and London: New York University Press. ISBN978-0-8147-6228-8.
Barnet 1997, p. 160; Kerestetzi 2015, p. 163; Kerestetzi 2018, p. x. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2015). "Making a "Nganga", Begetting a God: Materiality and Belief in the Afro-Cuban Religion of Palo Monte". Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa. 44 (87): 145–173. Kerestetzi, Katarina (2018). "The Spirit of a Place: Materiality, Apatiality, and Feeling in Afro-American Religions". Journal de la société des américanistes. 104–1. Translated by Dominic Horsfall: ix–xxv.
Barnet 1997, p. 155; Vélez 2000, p. 64. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Vélez, María Teresa (2000). Drumming For The Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe Garcia Villamil, Santero, Palero and Abakua. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN978-1566397315.
Barnet 1997, p. 156; Ochoa 2010, p. 79. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.
Barnet 1997, p. 142; Dodson 2008, p. 90; Ochoa 2010, p. 9. Barnet, Miguel (1997). "On Congo Cults of Bantu Origin in Cuba". Diogenes. 45 (179): 141–164. doi:10.1177/039219219704517912. OCLC4657598041. Dodson, Jualynne E. (2008). Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba. Alburquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN978-0826343536. Ochoa, Todd Ramón (2010). Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520256842.