""Beyond the works of Capt. Hunn, and rounding the head of this bay or harbour, is a still more extensive undertaking, of the same king, by a private individual, named Francesco Zammit; the two together, will effectually drain a large space of marsh, which rendered that part, and Casal Paula, unhealthy; - Zammit's undertaking is on his own account: and in return for his outlay, Government has ceded to him the land he acquires thereby; - this we call the fifth indentation, perhaps improperly, as it is only a prolongation of the harbour. - The malaria arising from this marsh, was even felt at Floriana. The story of this Zamit, is an extraordinary instance, of how industry and talent, will get a man on in the world, without education, capital, or high birth: when the English came here, Zammit was employed by the Commissariat, as a common master mason; where he soon became a favotire, from his steady good conduct; step by step he advanced: - he had the true philosopher stone, industry, economy, and intelligence: - every thing under his hand became gold, and he is now, the most opulent man on the Island." (p. 84-85); "On reaching the embanking works of Mr Zammit, a road, over bridgets, crosses the Marsh to the once sickly and deserted village of Paulo (now rendered healthy through the exertions of Captain Hunn, and the profitable undertaking, we have just alluded to)" (p. 131). Thomas MacGill, "A handbook, or guide, for strangers visiting Malta", 1839