Tim Flinders & Carol Flinders (1989). The making of a teacher: Conversations with Eknath Easwaran (see article). Petaluma, CA: Nilgiri Press. ISBN978-0-915132-54-6 (p. 148: "On the evening of Monday, January 3, 1968, 2000 LSB had standing room only for the several hundred Berkeley students who had registered for The Theory and Practice of Meditation (Religious Studies 138X, four units' credit; instructor, Eknath Easwaran). To anyone's knowledge, it was the first accredited course on meditation offered by any university in the United States - or, for that matter, in the world. ... For ten Monday nights, Easwaran sat atop the black veneer of the demonstration table and lectured on the ancient mystical teachings of the Indian spiritual tradition. Required texts included Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and Sidney Spencer's Mysticism in World Religion.")(quote viewable online)
Tim Flinders, Doug Oman, and Carol Flinders (2007). The eight-point program of passage meditation: Health effects of a comprehensive program. In Thomas G. Plante, & Carl E. Thoresen (Eds.), Spirit, science and health: How the spiritual mind fuels physical wellness (pp. 72–93) (table of contents), Westport, CT: Praeger. ISBN978-0-275-99506-5.
AA Meditators, Passage Meditation & the Eleventh Step.[1] (accessed 18 Oct 2009)