Livre d'Or 2005 – page 3 "Nous citions tous ces grands du tennis français et algérois: Robert Abdesselam, Poulaillon, et mon bon camarade d'enfance Paul Rémy qui fut un grand parmi les grands né comme moi à Douera/St Amélie, lui aussi Rat des champs devenu Rat des villes..."
The New Yorker 7 August 1954 "European-zone tennis finals for the Davis Cup, held over the weekend at Auteuil's Stade Roland Garros. ...most of the spectators gratefully wore giveaway paper hats that advertised French apéritifs. In any case, it was an unsmart... Frenchman – the short, stocky Paul Rémy, who comes from Algiers and at least could stand the sun-started spectacularly enough with machine-gun volleys, ..."