the bank served both local aristocrats like marqués de Monistrol and local companies, like Sangrà i Cia, Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 55; apart from the local provincial market it was also engaged in some nationwide schemes like hydrotechnical works on the Guadalquivir, see ABC 06.06.15, available here, and was first one in Girona province to introduce safe deposits, Ramón Llongarriu i Monsalvatje, La banca a Olot, [in:] bohigas service, available hereArchived 2016-03-09 at the Wayback Machine
Balcells, Culla, Mir 1982, pp. 256, 571, also ABC 25.02.18, available here, El Sol 12.02.18, available here
Born 09.05.1870, and baptised 10.05.1870 in Sant Esteban de Olot church, see birth certificate available here p. 297. Some sources claim he was born 1872, see the official Cortes service, available here, though most maintain the correct birth date is 1870, see Núria Moret i Llosas, El llegat documental de Pere Llosas i Badia, [in:] Annals del Patronat d'Estudis Històrics d'Olot i Comarca 1994, p. 54, Biblioteca de Catalunya service, available here[permanent dead link], Lluís Costa Fernández, La dictadura de Primo de Rivera a Girona: premsa i societat (1923-1930) [PhD thesis Universitat de Girona], Girona 1994, ISBN9788469427996, p. 188, B. de Artagan [Reynaldo Brea], Políticos del carlismo, Barcelona 1912, p. 236, Isidre Molas, Els senadors carlins de Catalunya (1901-1923), Barcelona 2009, p. 14 or obituary in ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, bautismos, 1502-1940," database, available here
Born 09.05.1870, and baptised 10.05.1870 in Sant Esteban de Olot church, see birth certificate available here p. 297. Some sources claim he was born 1872, see the official Cortes service, available here, though most maintain the correct birth date is 1870, see Núria Moret i Llosas, El llegat documental de Pere Llosas i Badia, [in:] Annals del Patronat d'Estudis Històrics d'Olot i Comarca 1994, p. 54, Biblioteca de Catalunya service, available here[permanent dead link], Lluís Costa Fernández, La dictadura de Primo de Rivera a Girona: premsa i societat (1923-1930) [PhD thesis Universitat de Girona], Girona 1994, ISBN9788469427996, p. 188, B. de Artagan [Reynaldo Brea], Políticos del carlismo, Barcelona 1912, p. 236, Isidre Molas, Els senadors carlins de Catalunya (1901-1923), Barcelona 2009, p. 14 or obituary in ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, bautismos, 1502-1940," database, available here
Eco de la montaña 31.05.96, available here, L’Olotí 31.05.96, available here
Bulleti del Santuari S. María del Collel 7 (1917), available here
El Deber 04.12.15, referred after ¡Arriba España! 04.12.65, available here
Guía Oficial de España 1911, p. 61, available here; later they moved to calle Fontanella, ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; the couple also possessed an estate in neighboring Santa Pau, Tradició Catalana 12.08.33, available here
the wedding took place in 1917, Comarca 12.05.17, available here, see also La Vanguardia 03.01.69, available here; Rosa Llosas probably died when giving birth a year later, La Comarca 01.06.18, available here
for a picturesque account see ¡Arriba España! 03.04.48, available here
La Vanguardia 26.09.31, available here; the street was restored as Calle Pedro Llosas in the Francoist era, Revista de Girona 01.01.70, available here. Currently it is named Avenida Olot – Bañolas, Salvador Reixach, Santa Pau, Girona 1998, ISBN8486812917, p, 63, available here
in Catalan, e.g. A proposit de les festes de Corpus, published in Tradició Catalana 02.06.34, available here; Llosas kept pursuing his historical and archeological interest throughout all his life, publishing also in the 1910s and 1920s, see booklets Olot en temps d’Alfons V el Mangánim (1913), La Reyna Empordanesa. D Sibila de Fortcá (1923), Jaime I el Conquistador (1929), and articles, e.g. El diplomatari del Comitat del Besalú, [in:] Renovació: fulles populars de la Joventut Nacionalista 31.01.18, pp. 61-64, Viva nueva... resurrección, [in:] Vida Parroquial 2 (1929), pp. 3-7
Acctión Católica, Conferencias de San Vicente de Paúl, Junta de la Minerva or Venerable Orden Tercera del Carmen, Acció Católica 13.01.51,¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here
like delivering public lecture on Vayreda, ¡Arriba España! 25.05.43, available here
the first one identified published in ¡Arriba España! of 11.11.39, available here, the last one in ¡Arriba España! 14.07.51, available here
Born 09.05.1870, and baptised 10.05.1870 in Sant Esteban de Olot church, see birth certificate available here p. 297. Some sources claim he was born 1872, see the official Cortes service, available here, though most maintain the correct birth date is 1870, see Núria Moret i Llosas, El llegat documental de Pere Llosas i Badia, [in:] Annals del Patronat d'Estudis Històrics d'Olot i Comarca 1994, p. 54, Biblioteca de Catalunya service, available here[permanent dead link], Lluís Costa Fernández, La dictadura de Primo de Rivera a Girona: premsa i societat (1923-1930) [PhD thesis Universitat de Girona], Girona 1994, ISBN9788469427996, p. 188, B. de Artagan [Reynaldo Brea], Políticos del carlismo, Barcelona 1912, p. 236, Isidre Molas, Els senadors carlins de Catalunya (1901-1923), Barcelona 2009, p. 14 or obituary in ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, bautismos, 1502-1940," database, available here
Guía Oficial de España 1911, p. 61, available here; later they moved to calle Fontanella, ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; the couple also possessed an estate in neighboring Santa Pau, Tradició Catalana 12.08.33, available here
"declara sinceramente que, identificado con el generoso sentir y las costumbres de Galicia, no le ha sido difícil fundar sus normas de gobierno "en una base de realidad eterminada por múltiples semejanzas y analogías y en la adopción de medidas de leal advertencia y suave persuasión antes dc recurrir a procedimientos coercitivos, ingratos de suyo, aunque saludables y necesarios en ciertos casos", La Nación 03.05.26, available here.
e.g. setting up Museo Pedagógico Provincional, La Nación 25.12.28, available here
BHE entered merger talks with Banco Llosas Escubós in 1920 Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 55, also El Financiero 20.08.20, available here, completing the process in 1923, Muñoz García Muñoz, El Fracaso de la Burguesía Financiera Catalana: La Crisis Del Banco de Barcelona, Barcelona 1988, ISBN9788477310099, p. 308; Llosas grew also to vice-president of Asociación de Banqueros de Barcelona - Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 56
which renewed as Comunión Tradicionalista re-admitted also the former primoderiverista officials. Llosas was not listed as member of Junta Provincial de Girona, Josep Clara, La Comunió Tradicionalista a Girona (1931-1936), [in:] El Carlisme entra Dues Guerres, 1876-1936, Revista de Girona 1991, p. 84-5. He is known to have supported the Carlist daily El Siglo Futuro financially, see El Siglo Futuro 21.12.35, available here. Some authors claim that Llosas stance during the dictatorship contributed to demise of Carlism in the province, which at the advent of the Republic was in "punt més baix de la seva história, com una relíquia del passat" and looked dead - "també semhiaven morís, pero no pas enterráis, els carlins. Pocs i mal avinguts. resten un poc pertot i especialment a la Garrotxa, alguns contumacos que no s'acaben de decidirá desaparéixer. A la capilal, una dotzena mal comptada completa aquesta fauna que sembla destinada a esvair-se en un futur molt próxim", Clara 1991, p. 83
the bank served both local aristocrats like marqués de Monistrol and local companies, like Sangrà i Cia, Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 55; apart from the local provincial market it was also engaged in some nationwide schemes like hydrotechnical works on the Guadalquivir, see ABC 06.06.15, available here, and was first one in Girona province to introduce safe deposits, Ramón Llongarriu i Monsalvatje, La banca a Olot, [in:] bohigas service, available hereArchived 2016-03-09 at the Wayback Machine
„aficionat a l’arqueologia”, Josep Burch i Rius et al. (eds.), Emili Gandia i la conservació del patrimoni cultural a la Catalunya de començament del segle XX, Girona 2015, ISBN9788499843018, page unavailable, accessible here
Llosas and others were "baluarte monarquico ante las amenazas militares y civiles"; some sources claimed that Llosas himself co-drafted an autonomy proposal, later supported by the regionalists and others, Maximiliano Fuentes Codera, España en la Primera Guerra Mundial: Una movilización cultural, Madrid 2014, ISBN9788446040262, page unavailable, accessible here
Born 09.05.1870, and baptised 10.05.1870 in Sant Esteban de Olot church, see birth certificate available here p. 297. Some sources claim he was born 1872, see the official Cortes service, available here, though most maintain the correct birth date is 1870, see Núria Moret i Llosas, El llegat documental de Pere Llosas i Badia, [in:] Annals del Patronat d'Estudis Històrics d'Olot i Comarca 1994, p. 54, Biblioteca de Catalunya service, available here[permanent dead link], Lluís Costa Fernández, La dictadura de Primo de Rivera a Girona: premsa i societat (1923-1930) [PhD thesis Universitat de Girona], Girona 1994, ISBN9788469427996, p. 188, B. de Artagan [Reynaldo Brea], Políticos del carlismo, Barcelona 1912, p. 236, Isidre Molas, Els senadors carlins de Catalunya (1901-1923), Barcelona 2009, p. 14 or obituary in ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, bautismos, 1502-1940," database, available here
in 1896 and 1898 Olot elected a former Carlist military, Joaquín Llorens, see the official Cortes service, available here
he obtained 54,79% of the votes and his independent counter-candidate 44,39% (abstention 24,66%), Balcells, Culla, Mir 1982, p.523; see also the official Cortes service, available here
he obtained 85,93% of the votes and his mearest counter-candidate, a republican radical, 11,97% (abstention 24,63%), Balcells, Culla, Mir 1982, p.534, see also the official Cortes service, available here
he obtained 80,83% of the votes and his mearest counter-candidate, a republican , 15,14% (abstention 27,53%), Balcells, Culla, Mir 1982, p.547, see also the official Cortes service, available here
Balcells, Culla, Mir 1982, p. 227, see also the official Cortes service, available here
Born 09.05.1870, and baptised 10.05.1870 in Sant Esteban de Olot church, see birth certificate available here p. 297. Some sources claim he was born 1872, see the official Cortes service, available here, though most maintain the correct birth date is 1870, see Núria Moret i Llosas, El llegat documental de Pere Llosas i Badia, [in:] Annals del Patronat d'Estudis Històrics d'Olot i Comarca 1994, p. 54, Biblioteca de Catalunya service, available here[permanent dead link], Lluís Costa Fernández, La dictadura de Primo de Rivera a Girona: premsa i societat (1923-1930) [PhD thesis Universitat de Girona], Girona 1994, ISBN9788469427996, p. 188, B. de Artagan [Reynaldo Brea], Políticos del carlismo, Barcelona 1912, p. 236, Isidre Molas, Els senadors carlins de Catalunya (1901-1923), Barcelona 2009, p. 14 or obituary in ¡Arriba España! 03.12.55, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, bautismos, 1502-1940," database, available here
Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 54, La Vanguardia 14.03.42, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, matrimonios, 1565-1950," database, available here
Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 54, La Vanguardia 14.03.42, available here; also FamilySearch, "España, matrimonios, 1565-1950," database, available here
the wedding took place in 1917, Comarca 12.05.17, available here, see also La Vanguardia 03.01.69, available here; Rosa Llosas probably died when giving birth a year later, La Comarca 01.06.18, available here
La Vanguardia 26.09.31, available here; the street was restored as Calle Pedro Llosas in the Francoist era, Revista de Girona 01.01.70, available here. Currently it is named Avenida Olot – Bañolas, Salvador Reixach, Santa Pau, Girona 1998, ISBN8486812917, p, 63, available here
La Vanguardia 21.02.35, available here, La Vanguardia 26.09.34, available here, La Vanguardia 05.10.34, available here
La Vanguardia Española 17.02.39, available here; the first Nationalist troops, the Navarrese Carlist requeté units, entered Santa Pau on February 8, 1939
Alber Planas i Serra, Guerra civil i repressió franquista a Santa Pau, [in:] Ebre 38/4 (2010), p. 107, available here; also Alber Planas i Serra, Joan Pinsach i Solé, L’alcalde de Santa Pau afusellat per franquisme, Barcelona 2009, p. 10
the bank served both local aristocrats like marqués de Monistrol and local companies, like Sangrà i Cia, Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 55; apart from the local provincial market it was also engaged in some nationwide schemes like hydrotechnical works on the Guadalquivir, see ABC 06.06.15, available here, and was first one in Girona province to introduce safe deposits, Ramón Llongarriu i Monsalvatje, La banca a Olot, [in:] bohigas service, available hereArchived 2016-03-09 at the Wayback Machine
the bank served both local aristocrats like marqués de Monistrol and local companies, like Sangrà i Cia, Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 55; apart from the local provincial market it was also engaged in some nationwide schemes like hydrotechnical works on the Guadalquivir, see ABC 06.06.15, available here, and was first one in Girona province to introduce safe deposits, Ramón Llongarriu i Monsalvatje, La banca a Olot, [in:] bohigas service, available hereArchived 2016-03-09 at the Wayback Machine