Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "People's Party Our Slovakia" in English language version.
On March 14, 2004, in his public speech to commemorate the establishment of the 1939 Slovak state, Marian Kotleba, the leader of the extreme PP-OS (People's Party Our Slovakia), mocked efforts to come to terms with the Holocaust past and marked out Jews as "devils in human skin." Kotleba further promoted the view of Ľudovít Štúr—the leading representative of Slovak national revival in the nineteenth century—that Jews have no historical, cultural, or social ties with Slovaks. When the Jewish community expressed outrage against the demonstration of Kotleba supporters in Komárno in 2005, Kotleba defended the extremists by accusing Jews of plotting "against the Slovak nation, statehood, and Christian traditions" often with the help of the "Magyar chauvinists and domestic traitors." In Kotleba's eyes, every political skirmish in Slovakia is a "very well prepared performance" directed by Z. O. G. (the "Zionist Occupation Government").
On March 14, 2004, in his public speech to commemorate the establishment of the 1939 Slovak state, Marian Kotleba, the leader of the extreme PP-OS (People's Party Our Slovakia), mocked efforts to come to terms with the Holocaust past and marked out Jews as "devils in human skin." Kotleba further promoted the view of Ľudovít Štúr—the leading representative of Slovak national revival in the nineteenth century—that Jews have no historical, cultural, or social ties with Slovaks. When the Jewish community expressed outrage against the demonstration of Kotleba supporters in Komárno in 2005, Kotleba defended the extremists by accusing Jews of plotting "against the Slovak nation, statehood, and Christian traditions" often with the help of the "Magyar chauvinists and domestic traitors." In Kotleba's eyes, every political skirmish in Slovakia is a "very well prepared performance" directed by Z. O. G. (the "Zionist Occupation Government").