Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "People Mover (Venice)" in English language version.
Land: Italien; Stadt: Venedig; Typ: Cable Liner Double Shuttle; Stops: 1; km: 0,87; Fahrzeuge/Pax: 4-Wagen/200; km/h: 29,0; Pphpd: 3'000; Sek.: 190 … (11) Zubringer nach Venedig … Der "People Mover", wie ihn die Venezianer heute kurz und bündig nennen, ist im Regelbetrieb täglich von 6 bis 23 Uhr in Betrieb
After the Cable Liner installations in Las Vegas and at the international airports in Birmingham, Toronto and Mexico City, the Cable Liner Shuttle in Venice is the fifth system to be constructed by the Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group.
in April of 2010, the new shuttle train called the People Mover has the capacity to transport 200 people per carriage and 3,000 people per hour from Tronchetto island to Piazzale Roma,
in April of 2010, the new shuttle train called the People Mover has the capacity to transport 200 people per carriage and 3,000 people per hour from Tronchetto island to Piazzale Roma,