Kekulé, August (1866). Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie [Textbook of organic chemistry] (in German). Vol. 2nd vol. Erlangen, (Germany): Ferdinand Enke. p. 463.
Laurent, Auguste (1837). "Sur les acides pinique et sylvique, et sur le camphoryle" [On pinic and sylvic acids, and on camphoryl]. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 2nd series (in French). 65: 324–332.; see "Camphoryle", pp. 329–330.
Laurent, Auguste (1837). "Sur les acides pinique et sylvique, et sur le camphoryle" [On pinic and sylvic acids, and on camphoryl]. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 2nd series (in French). 65: 324–332.; see "Camphoryle", pp. 329–330.
Watts, Henry, A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of Other Sciences (London, England: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1863), vol. 1, "Camphorone", p. 733.