Gamble T, Colli GR, Rodrigues MT, Werneck FP, Simons AM (2012). "Phylogeny and cryptic diversity in geckos (Phyllopezus; Phyllodactylidae; Gekkota) from South America's open biomes". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution62: 943–953.
Rodrigues MT (1986). "Um novo espécie do gênero Phyllopezus de Cabaceiras: Paraiba: Brasil; com comentários sobre a fauna de lagartos da área (Sauria, Gekkonidae)". Pap. Avulsos Zool. (Sao Paulo)36: 237–250. (Phyllopezus periosus, new species). (in Portuguese).
Koch C, Venegas P, Böhme W (2006). "A remarkable discovery: description of a big-growing new gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Phyllopezus) from northwestern Peru". Salamandra42: 145–150. (Phyllopezus maranjoensis, new species).