With the following publications : Patrick Carré, D'Elis à Taxila : Éloge de la vacuité, Critérion, Paris, 1991; Hubert Haddad, Le secret de l'immortalité, Critérion, Paris, 1991; Marc Petit, Rue de la mort et autres histoires, Critérion, Paris, 1992; Lettre de l'antiméridien, Critérion, Paris, 1992; and the founding essay-anthology about the movement : Jean-Luc Moreau, La Nouvelle Fiction, Critérion, Paris, 1992. For an in-depth analysis of this French literary group, see : Julian Károlyi, Literary renewal and the reader : the multiple pleasures of La Nouvelle Fiction, PhD Thesis, University of St Andrews, 1997. More generally, see : Johnnie Gratton, Postmodern French fiction : practice and theory, in Timothy Unwin (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel: From 1800 to the Present, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 256.