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UK Water Framework Directive Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG). 2014. UKTAG Lake Assessment Method: Macrophytes and Phytobenthos: Macrophytes (Lake LEAFPACS2). ISBN978-1-906934-45-3. Available online at Lakes Leafpacs
UK Water Framework Directive Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG). 2014. UKTAG River Assessment Method: Macrophytes and Phytobenthos: Macrophytes (River LEAFPACS2). ISBN978-1-906934-44-6. Available online at River Leafpacs
UK Water Framework Directive Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG). 2008. UKTAG River Assessment Method: Macrophytes and Phytobenthos: Macrophytes (Free Index). ISBN978-1-906934-02-6. Available online at Lake Macrophytes Free Index