SeeToure-Davis v. Davis, United States District Court for the District of Maryland, holding "[t]hat affidavit is a contract in which 'the sponsor agrees to provide support to maintain the sponsored alien at an annual income that is not less than 125 percent of the Federal poverty line during the period in which the affidavit is enforceable[.]' Id. § 1183a(a)(1)(A). The contract is legally enforceable against the sponsor by the sponsored alien (or by the Federal Government, any State, local or any other entity providing any means-tested public benefit) and, pursuant to the contract, the sponsor agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of any Federal or State court for the purposes of enforcement of the contract. Id. § 1183a(a)(1)(B)-(C)." 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 42522, *9-10 (D.Md., March 28, 2014).