Kerr, R (2016). "Underestimation of pupil size by critical care and neurosurgical nurses". American Journal of Critical Care. 25 (3): 213–219. doi:10.4037/ajcc2016554. PMID27134226. S2CID8564670.
Olson, D (2015). "The use of automated pupillometry in critical care". Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 28 (1): 101–107. doi:10.1016/j.cnc.2015.09.003. PMID26873763.
Braakman, R; Gelpke, G; Habbema, J; Maas, A; Minderhoud, J (1980). "Systemic selection of prognostic features in patients with severe head injury". Neurosurgery. 6 (4): 362–370. doi:10.1227/00006123-198004000-00002. PMID7393417.
Chesnut, R; Gautille, T; Blunt, B; Klauber, M; Marshall, L (1994). "The localizing value of asymmetry in pupillary size in severe head injury: relation to lesion type and location". Neurosurgery. 34 (5): 840–845. doi:10.1097/00006123-199405000-00008. PMID8052380.
Choi, S; Narayan, R; Anderson, R; Ward, J (1988). "Enhanced specificity of prognosis in severe head injury". J Neurosurg. 69 (3): 381–385. doi:10.3171/jns.1988.69.3.0381. PMID3404236.
Levin, H; Gary, H; Eisenberg, H; et al. (1990). "Neurobehavioral outcome 1 year after severe head injury. Experience of the Traumatic Coma Data Bank". J Neurosurg. 73 (5): 699–709. doi:10.3171/jns.1990.73.5.0699. PMID2213159.
Marshall, L; Gautille, T; Klauber, M; et al. (1991). "The outcome of severe closed head injury". J Neurosurg. 75: 28–36. doi:10.3171/sup.1991.75.1s.0s28.
Ritter, A; Muizelaar, J; Barnes, T; et al. (1999). "Brain stem blood flow, pupillary response, and outcome in patients with severe head injuries". Neurosurgery. 44 (5): 941–948. doi:10.1097/00006123-199905000-00005. PMID10232526.
Sakas, D; Bullock, M; Teasdale, G (1995). "One-year outcome following craniotomy for traumatic hematoma in patients with fixed dilated pupils". J Neurosurg. 82 (6): 961–965. doi:10.3171/jns.1995.82.6.0961. PMID7760198.
Taylor, W; Chen, J; Meltzer, H; et al. (2003). ""Quantitative pupillometry, a new technology " normative data and preliminary observations in patients with acute head injury". J Neurosurg. 98 (1): 205–213. doi:10.3171/jns.2003.98.1.0205. PMID12546375.
Tien, H; Cunha, J; Wu, S; et al. (2006). "Do trauma patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3 and bilateral fixed and dilated pupils have any chance of survival?". J Trauma. 60 (2): 274–278. doi:10.1097/01.ta.0000197177.13379.f4. PMID16508482.
Petridis, A. K.; Dörner, L.; Doukas, A.; Eifrig, S.; Barth, H.; Mehdorn, M. (2009). "Acute Subdural Hematoma in the Elderly; Clinical and CT Factors Influencing the Surgical Treatment Decision". Central European Neurosurgery. 70 (2): 73–78. doi:10.1055/s-0029-1224096. PMID19711259.
Marmarou, A; Lu, J; Butcher, I; et al. (2007). ""Prognostic value of the Glasgow Coma Scale and pupil reactivity in traumatic brain injury assessed pre-hospital and on enrollment " an IMPACT analysis". J Neurotrauma. 24 (2): 270–280. doi:10.1089/neu.2006.0029. PMID17375991.
Narayan, R; Greenberg, R; Miller, J; et al. (1981). ""Improved confidence of outcome prediction in severe head injury " A comparative analysis of the clinical examination, multimodality evoked potentials, CT scanning, and intracranial pressure". J Neurosurg. 54 (6): 751–762. doi:10.3171/jns.1981.54.6.0751. PMID7241184.
Hess, E. H.; Seltzer, A. L.; Shlien, J.M. (1965). "Pupil response of hetero- and homosexual males to pictures of men and women: A pilot study". Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 70 (3): 165–168. doi:10.1037/h0021978. PMID14297654.
Fitzgerald, H. E. (1968). "Autonomic pupillary reflex activity during early infancy and its relation to social and nonsocial visual stimuli". Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 6 (3): 470–482. doi:10.1016/0022-0965(68)90127-6. PMID5687128.
Fitzgerald, H. E.; Lintz, L. M.; Brackbill, Y.; Adams, G. (1967). "Time perception and conditioning an autonomic response in human infants". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 24 (2): 479–486. doi:10.2466/pms.1967.24.2.479. PMID6068562. S2CID40269147.
Vacchiano, R. B.; Strauss, P. S.; Ryan, S.; Hochman, L. (1968). "Pupillary response to value-lined words". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 27 (1): 207–210. doi:10.2466/pms.1968.27.1.207. PMID5685695. S2CID38156158.
Kafkas, A.; Montaldi, D. (2011). "Recognition memory strength is predicted by pupillary responses at encoding while fixation patterns distinguish recollection from familiarity". The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64 (10): 1971–1989. doi:10.1080/17470218.2011.588335. PMID21838656. S2CID28231193.
Kafkas, A.; Montaldi, D. (2012). "Familiarity and recollection produce distinct eye movement and pupil and medial temporal lobe responses when memory strength is matched". Neuropsychologia. 50 (13): 3080–93. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.08.001. PMID22902538. S2CID8517388.
Kerr, R (2016). "Underestimation of pupil size by critical care and neurosurgical nurses". American Journal of Critical Care. 25 (3): 213–219. doi:10.4037/ajcc2016554. PMID27134226. S2CID8564670.
Olson, D (2015). "The use of automated pupillometry in critical care". Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 28 (1): 101–107. doi:10.1016/j.cnc.2015.09.003. PMID26873763.
Braakman, R; Gelpke, G; Habbema, J; Maas, A; Minderhoud, J (1980). "Systemic selection of prognostic features in patients with severe head injury". Neurosurgery. 6 (4): 362–370. doi:10.1227/00006123-198004000-00002. PMID7393417.
Chesnut, R; Gautille, T; Blunt, B; Klauber, M; Marshall, L (1994). "The localizing value of asymmetry in pupillary size in severe head injury: relation to lesion type and location". Neurosurgery. 34 (5): 840–845. doi:10.1097/00006123-199405000-00008. PMID8052380.
Choi, S; Narayan, R; Anderson, R; Ward, J (1988). "Enhanced specificity of prognosis in severe head injury". J Neurosurg. 69 (3): 381–385. doi:10.3171/jns.1988.69.3.0381. PMID3404236.
Levin, H; Gary, H; Eisenberg, H; et al. (1990). "Neurobehavioral outcome 1 year after severe head injury. Experience of the Traumatic Coma Data Bank". J Neurosurg. 73 (5): 699–709. doi:10.3171/jns.1990.73.5.0699. PMID2213159.
Ritter, A; Muizelaar, J; Barnes, T; et al. (1999). "Brain stem blood flow, pupillary response, and outcome in patients with severe head injuries". Neurosurgery. 44 (5): 941–948. doi:10.1097/00006123-199905000-00005. PMID10232526.
Sakas, D; Bullock, M; Teasdale, G (1995). "One-year outcome following craniotomy for traumatic hematoma in patients with fixed dilated pupils". J Neurosurg. 82 (6): 961–965. doi:10.3171/jns.1995.82.6.0961. PMID7760198.
Taylor, W; Chen, J; Meltzer, H; et al. (2003). ""Quantitative pupillometry, a new technology " normative data and preliminary observations in patients with acute head injury". J Neurosurg. 98 (1): 205–213. doi:10.3171/jns.2003.98.1.0205. PMID12546375.
Tien, H; Cunha, J; Wu, S; et al. (2006). "Do trauma patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3 and bilateral fixed and dilated pupils have any chance of survival?". J Trauma. 60 (2): 274–278. doi:10.1097/01.ta.0000197177.13379.f4. PMID16508482.
Petridis, A. K.; Dörner, L.; Doukas, A.; Eifrig, S.; Barth, H.; Mehdorn, M. (2009). "Acute Subdural Hematoma in the Elderly; Clinical and CT Factors Influencing the Surgical Treatment Decision". Central European Neurosurgery. 70 (2): 73–78. doi:10.1055/s-0029-1224096. PMID19711259.
Marmarou, A; Lu, J; Butcher, I; et al. (2007). ""Prognostic value of the Glasgow Coma Scale and pupil reactivity in traumatic brain injury assessed pre-hospital and on enrollment " an IMPACT analysis". J Neurotrauma. 24 (2): 270–280. doi:10.1089/neu.2006.0029. PMID17375991.
Narayan, R; Greenberg, R; Miller, J; et al. (1981). ""Improved confidence of outcome prediction in severe head injury " A comparative analysis of the clinical examination, multimodality evoked potentials, CT scanning, and intracranial pressure". J Neurosurg. 54 (6): 751–762. doi:10.3171/jns.1981.54.6.0751. PMID7241184.
Hess, E. H.; Seltzer, A. L.; Shlien, J.M. (1965). "Pupil response of hetero- and homosexual males to pictures of men and women: A pilot study". Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 70 (3): 165–168. doi:10.1037/h0021978. PMID14297654.
Fitzgerald, H. E. (1968). "Autonomic pupillary reflex activity during early infancy and its relation to social and nonsocial visual stimuli". Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 6 (3): 470–482. doi:10.1016/0022-0965(68)90127-6. PMID5687128.
Fitzgerald, H. E.; Lintz, L. M.; Brackbill, Y.; Adams, G. (1967). "Time perception and conditioning an autonomic response in human infants". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 24 (2): 479–486. doi:10.2466/pms.1967.24.2.479. PMID6068562. S2CID40269147.
Vacchiano, R. B.; Strauss, P. S.; Ryan, S.; Hochman, L. (1968). "Pupillary response to value-lined words". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 27 (1): 207–210. doi:10.2466/pms.1968.27.1.207. PMID5685695. S2CID38156158.
Kafkas, A.; Montaldi, D. (2011). "Recognition memory strength is predicted by pupillary responses at encoding while fixation patterns distinguish recollection from familiarity". The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64 (10): 1971–1989. doi:10.1080/17470218.2011.588335. PMID21838656. S2CID28231193.
Kafkas, A.; Montaldi, D. (2012). "Familiarity and recollection produce distinct eye movement and pupil and medial temporal lobe responses when memory strength is matched". Neuropsychologia. 50 (13): 3080–93. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.08.001. PMID22902538. S2CID8517388.
Kerr, R (2016). "Underestimation of pupil size by critical care and neurosurgical nurses". American Journal of Critical Care. 25 (3): 213–219. doi:10.4037/ajcc2016554. PMID27134226. S2CID8564670.
Fitzgerald, H. E.; Lintz, L. M.; Brackbill, Y.; Adams, G. (1967). "Time perception and conditioning an autonomic response in human infants". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 24 (2): 479–486. doi:10.2466/pms.1967.24.2.479. PMID6068562. S2CID40269147.
Vacchiano, R. B.; Strauss, P. S.; Ryan, S.; Hochman, L. (1968). "Pupillary response to value-lined words". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 27 (1): 207–210. doi:10.2466/pms.1968.27.1.207. PMID5685695. S2CID38156158.
Kafkas, A.; Montaldi, D. (2011). "Recognition memory strength is predicted by pupillary responses at encoding while fixation patterns distinguish recollection from familiarity". The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64 (10): 1971–1989. doi:10.1080/17470218.2011.588335. PMID21838656. S2CID28231193.
Kafkas, A.; Montaldi, D. (2012). "Familiarity and recollection produce distinct eye movement and pupil and medial temporal lobe responses when memory strength is matched". Neuropsychologia. 50 (13): 3080–93. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.08.001. PMID22902538. S2CID8517388.