Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Pyrros Dimas" in English language version.
Born in northern Epirus in 1 971, Dimas competes in the 159-pound
Kjo zonë për shumë-shumë vite ishte e harruar nga partitë politike greke; This area was forgotten for many many years from the Greek political parties.
Born in Himara in southern Albania to ethnic Greek parents, Pyrros Dimas is a Greek sports hero.
Ενώνω τη φωνή μου με εκείνες των απανταχού Βορειοηπειρωτών, και καλούμε την Κυβέρνηση της Αλβανίας να ανακαλέσει, έστω την ύστατη στιγμή, την εν λόγω υπουργική απόφαση και να αποσύρει το σχετικό Νομοσχέδιο, που στην ουσία απαλλοτριώνουν περιουσίες που αποδεδειγμένα, βάσει χαρτών, ανήκουν σε Βορειοηπειρώτες.
This three-time Olympic gold medal winner and one-time bronze winner came to Greece from Albania in 1991. "Personally I have never felt like a refugee. I came to my country. I did not go to another country to feel like a refugee or an immigrant. I came here with legal papers and with my entire family. I also had help from Yianni Syorou. However, there were other people from the Northern Epirus who came here illegally from the mountains and who risked their lives.
Αναφερόμαστε στον Πόντο, στην Κύπρο, για πρώτη φορά ακούστηκε η Β. Ηπειρος στην ελληνική βουλή όταν με είδαν
the Greek weightlifter Pyrros Dimas had a similar burden in Athens. ... partly because he had been born in Albania in northern Epirus,
The detention of a mayoral candidate belonging to the Greek minority in Albania has raised tensions between the two neighboring countries.
Kjo zonë për shumë-shumë vite ishte e harruar nga partitë politike greke; This area was forgotten for many many years from the Greek political parties.